#5 the war

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So I haven't been uploading as you probably know by now . I kinda lost my inspiration because I've already wrote this book on paper and it's kinda old . I am also working on another story (Hint : Supernatural creatures ) and I'm really exited about that so please read that when it comes out . Also when I say I've I mean we've as in me and my friend Maggie .
mahei3997 ⏪⏪⏪⏪check her out and give her some love .

Thank you and I'm sorry for not uploading (Canadian habit 😂)

On to the story ..
I left with Aiden to the warehouse as I pulled out my phone .

(Hey bitches warehouse now )
(The gangs are joining now )

I get a bunch of replies from the gang and focus my attention on telling him again .

We pull to the warehouse after a few more stops and I see two groups, my gang and Aiden's gang . The problem was that they were separate .

"Listen up everyone "Aiden said in dark tone witch everyone responds to by facing him . "We are going to become one gang so don't separate yourselves . We got lots of different talents now so mix together "

"All of the strong people will be fighters , the less strong will be shooters ,and the the people that can't shoot will be holding swords and knives . Okay? " I continue Aiden's rant .

"Okay " The others chant .

Then a voice from the crowd asked "Who's the leader ?"

"Both " Me and Aiden say at the same time .

"Yeah we're equal "Aiden adds .

I give a slight smile the baby still on my mind then shout "Let's get training "
While the others file into the training room I grab Riley's hand and lead her to the private room in the back .

"You're what ? " Riley yells marveling at what I told her .

"Shh "I whisper " I'm pregnant "

"Are you sure? " she asks puzzled .

"Positive " I slump .

"Well you have to tell Aiden " she says quietly .

"I know , I'll just tell him after the fight because if knows now he won't let me fight "I say .

"Fine , but if you get hurt it's not your fault and if u don't tell him one second after the fight I will " she says protectively .

" Okay " I offer her a smile as I head to the coach to sleep .

Next morning .

I wake up to someone cuddled up against me . I look to see Aiden with his arm laying over my stomache .Trying to be quiet I slip out from under his arm and breathe a sigh of relief . Ring , Ring , Ring my phone wakes him up .

"I'm taking it to the kitchen " I say as I walk into the kitchen .

"Hello " I say .

"Now's the time " Dan's voice surprises me .

"For what? "I ask confused .

"To attack " he says then hangs up .

"Everyone gather up "I say as I walk into the rec room .

*Aiden's POV ************

"Ready ?" I shout to the people surrounding me .

"Yes "come the voices .

"Okay 3, 2, 1, Go " I jump out of the vehicle and start shooting .

I look in shock as I see that they are shooting back at us ."Shit everyone just shoot " I shout .

Bullets come whizzing my way but luckyly I dodge them . "Uh " I hear and turn around to see Cora groaning and falling .

"Don't worry , I got her" Riley says and takes Cora . Unsteady I focus on shooting the enemy down . I jump from rock to rock hoping to survive .

"Well what have we got here ? " I look up to see my ex . I pause and hold my ring to her throut , I flick a switch and slice her neck with the knife in the ring . I watch her fall and grow limp. Her pale eyes give me one last look and then fall steady . I kneel beside her and close her eyes.

"Watch it " a voice screams . I look to see a bullet coming my way , quickly I jump behind a car . Another bullets comes towards the car window . I duck just as the glass shatters . I ready myself and stand up and start firing . A bullet skims my arm but I tell myelf it can't hurt .I take a machine gun and fire a couple of rounds . After I do this a couple of times I stand up and run into the nearest building .Where's Cora? Panic fills me . I hobble into the room I think Cora is in . To my relief Cora is sitting on a chair bundled up . "Are you Okay ?" I ask her .

"Yeah , I was just worried about you " she gives me a lopsided smile .

"I'm okay" I touch her lip .

"Good, we should go help the others " she smiles .

"Okay " I say taking her hand and leading het out .

"Ashley" we gasp as we see Cora's team member Ashley pointing a gun at us .

"Well lovers I'm so sorry "she says , her voice heavy with sarcasm .

"This is a joke right ? " Cora asks trembling .

"No , but Cora I'm gonna make you tell Aiden something and Aiden tell her your little secret and also Aiden show me what your little ring " she demands .

I hesitate but then step forward and slide the ring off my finger . I give Cora a sweet smile then press a little button and lunge for Ashley .I unfortunately only stab her in her side . She steps forward and starts counting "3 ,2 ,"a slight pause in her voice then she says "1" . I brace myself but it never comes . "Clunk" a noise startles me and I look up to see the gun on the flour .

"You big b!tch " Ashley growls running towards Cora . Just before she gets there I stick my foot out causing her to trip . She lands with a thud and I toss the gun to Cora . I can see that she doesn't want to but she pulls the trigger any way and walks away not bothering to look .

"Hey it's okay babe" I pull her close letting her tears soak my shirt .

"Thanks, but I though of her as a friend not the enemy " she sniffles .

"Some people are just fake friends "I reassure .

"Yeah , we should get your shoulder cleaned up , then head out " she says .

After I get ,you shoulder cleaned both me and Cora walk out knifes in our hands . I walk straight into a guy from the opposite team . I watch as he grins probably thinking he would to kill the leader . Both of our knives go up and clank against each other . I bring my knife down and cut his leg . He stumbles but keeps his balance . He brings his knife foreword again but I knock it out of his hand . I finish him off then walk away to find someone else to fight . After a few more fights , Steve walks foreword and shoots a round of shots . I jump from where I am to our truck . I take a gun and start shooting back .

Steve kneels beside a dead body then yells to his gang "Retreat ". Just before he leaves we exchange eye contact and he says "This is not over . "

Yes it's over , the chapter is over so is this fight .

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More action ?

Less action ?

So a title change is coming (no not just removing the on hold lol) and maybe a cover change so yeah

Hope you liked it .
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Love you 💋 Helena 💋 pronounced heh-le-na

Also don't be afraid to tell me you're ideas and what I should change about this book !!!!!!!!!

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