#24 The move

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*Cora's POV *

"Good morning " I yawn as I reach over to shut the alarm off .

"Good morning " I hear Aiden groan turning into his pillow again . I join him trying to fall asleep again .

"We should really get " I groan frustrated into my pillow .

"But it's only 6 " he mumbles almost asleep .

"I know " I agree quietly .

" Fine let's just get up . We have to finish packing ." He yawns as he sits up .

"Fine okay " I agree even though I stay stuck to the bed .

"C'mon we really have to go ." Aiden tugs on my feet .

"Fine I'm coming " I yell sitting up .

"Gee Cora " Aiden acts offended as he walks into the bathroom .

"I'm sorry " I mumble sitting up .

"Yeah you are " he lets his cockiness out . I groan and stand up . I put a pair of overalls and a plain brown t-shirt underneath . I wait for Aiden to be done then do my business . When I'm finished I walk out of the bathroom to see Aiden on the ground putting all his clothes in one bag . I join him in packing and soon our entire room is cleaned out . I head to the bathroom to pack and soon it's 10 . By now the entire house us packed and we decide to head out .

"Have a good trip " Mom smiles as stands there .

"Yeah you too " I smile back as I put the last bag in to the truck .

"I guess we'll see you there " Aiden lazily puts his arm or my shoulder as he stands with me .

"Yeah , anyways tell us when you get there " Dad smiles following Aiden's gesture.

"We'll be sure to if you tell us when you leave and get there " I nod happily .

"We will " Mom assures me .

"Bye then "Dad comes in for a hug .

"Bye " I tighten the hug .

"Bye " Mom gives me a quick hug .

"Be a good boy my Coley " Mom and Dad say goodbye to Cole and Aiden sets him into the truck .

"Well bye " I say as I get into the truck .

"Bye " they shout waving .

"Bye " Aiden shouts back waving . We continue waving until we can no longer see them .

"Want some quiet music for us ? " I ask weirdly .

"Sure " Aiden stage whispers .

"Okay " I nod putting the radio on .

"Awwwwwwwwww " Aiden joins in the weird long note .

"Haha " I cover my mouth laughing . "Let me try "

"Go ahead mi lady " Aiden's puts on a accent and I burst into laughter .

"AwwwwwwWww " I sing with her high notes trying not to laugh .

"Haha " Aiden laughs loudly and I join him . We spend the next hour laughing and trying to impersonate opera singers .

"We need to get rid of this smell " Aiden coughs as we turn on to a on Route .

"Fine " I laugh as I take Cole put of his seat and take him to the bathroom to remove his diaper . I take a couple minutes to do my business and soon I'm done with both .

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