#14 Take 2

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****Aiden's POV ****

As Cora's sleeping body lays on me I gently push her off me and walk towards the door to her dad's room . He's wide awake when I get there .

"What are you doing Aiden? " he questions .

"Why were you on the phone talking to your ex ? "I ask back at him .

He has a shocked expression when I ask him " It..It's not what you think"

"Well care to explain  " I say angrily . 

"Well sure , it all started about 7 years ago " he starts . He tells me his story which takes up about 5 hours and now it's 6 in the morning .

"Hey baby , what are you doing up? " Cora's up morning breath fans my face .

"We have a lot of explaining to do " I mumble .

"What ? " She asks confused .

"Well last night when you fell asleep I went to your father and made him explain everything . I guess his story was long and took up to now "

With a sincere expression on her face she whispers into my ear " You can tell me when you get some rest "

"Thanks " I give her a weak smile and jump into bed pulling my shirt off .

Cora's eyes scan my body . "Like what you see ? " I smirk .

"Yes I do "I blush as she answers .

"Awe " she coes .

"Stop " I say before falling into my pillow .


After a week of planning today is finally  our second wedding . With extra security this time I'm sure everything will go right .During our break Me and Cora have decided to make the most out of our wedding and just do it .

"Do you Aiden .. "  The preacher goes on talking . I start sliding the ring on her finger as I hear a loud thud . With that the doors are kicked open . Steve once again comes in with this other guy .

"Holy mother F*ck*rs " I scream " Leave us alone "

***** Cora's  POV  *******

I dial 911 . 

5 minutes later we are all taking cover as they shoot at us . All the people from our side put their guns away so that the police wouldn't arrest us .

Swat kicks the door open "Hands behind your back and on your knees "

"Nope "  Steve laughs and starts shooting them . Sooner rather then later the Swat and Cops get them .

"Thanks " I say to one of the officers .

"No problem " He replies . In about 20 minutes everything is cleaned up and the police are gone .

" Ah " Aiden groans " We are going to have to have another wedding "

As I go to clean up the blue ribbon and white ribbon I hear my dad talking to Aiden . "Don't you are hurt her . I messed up my life , don't mess with with hers"

"Don't worry , I love Cora with all my life sir " Aiden replies as I blush . Later we all head to the mall together to try put together an amazing wedding day for ourselves .  Aiden and my dad are currently in a tux shop along with all the other groomsmen . I'm in a wedding store , so far I got pretty much everything I need except for a dress , cake , some more decor and maybe even a new venue .
"Babe " I feel a pair of big muscular arms wrap around my waist .

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