#3 War?

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WELL chapter 3 is here and I'm so sorry about the past 2 chapters being short but I promise this one will be longer . Enjoy XOXO .

**************Aiden's POV (surprise )**************

2 months later

"Hey man it's wrong you know ? "Matt asks flipping through my files .

"What's wrong ? "I spin around to face him .

"You know , using her to keep her from declaring war on us "He gestures .

"So Matt saw ,Gee man stop worrying I like her "I say paranoid .

"Well Matt also saw the other part " he mumbles .

"There is no other part , now get back to work "I grit my teeth in frustration .

Secretly there is another part , but no one can know especially not her . I mean I like her but not like like. I just want her to hold peace with us because believe me or not I know that she can be aggressive. I also happen to know who she gets it from. Debbie the evil mom my uncle " had"to marry. Debbie the evil women that every time I look at her daughter I feel sorry for her (Cora not Debbie).Gang leaders aren't supposed to have a week spot , but I do , Cora is my week spot .

**************Cora's POV ****************

"Dad " I shout into our dusty old house .I look around for a few more minutes only to remember he's in jail . I sit on our sofa as I count my worries on my fingers. I used to talk to my dad when I needed help I know sounds weird but he understood ."Breath" I tell myself . I tell myself a couple more times, but end up grabbing my phone .

Cora (hey would you do me a favor ? )

(Depends , what it is ) Aiden

Cora (Would you bail my dad out of jail ?)

(Only if you be my girlfriend)Aiden

Cora (Sure I geuss )

( See you than )Aiden
Cora (What now?)

( Getting ready for a gang meeting )Aiden

Cora ( Ok Seeya )

"Gee Cora you're not supposed to have a boyfriend " the angry voice inside me says . "It's okay "I tell myself reassuringly. I head towards the door . I lock it behind me and head towards the gang hideout. I carefully check my surroundings before I step into the old warehouse .

"Well, what have we got here" a voice makes me jump.

"Who are you ?"I ask the buff guy with short black hair and creepy eyes standing in front of me.

"Steve " he grins.

"Hi , Steve would you leave ?"I return his gesture.

"So Cora how's it going ?" He ignores me.

"Good thanks for asking" I walk over to where he is and take the file out of his hand.

"You know girls don't lead gangs " he says.

"Well than I am breaking your rules " I stat.

"Look who's scared of war "he smirks (an ugly annoying smirk).

"No one, now leave " I give him a push.

"Hey Cora when your brothers gang gets demolished you won't be so sure " he laughs. Again an annoying laugh.

"Ha ha keep dreaming" I say sarcastically before pushing towards the door again.I watch as he takes a few steps towards the door."Hey Steve thanks for reporting me " I shout after him sarcastically . He mumbles something, but I don't hear him ,I'm too busy dialing someone's number .

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