#15 Wahh!

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Potd is 👏 seeta16 👏

*Aiden's POV  *

As she carries him in her arms I start to think of how great she'll be great with our baby .

"You'll be a great mother " I smile .

She blushes . "And you father "

Ring ring a call interrupts our beautiful moment . "Yeh " Cora answers . "OK " she says standing up with the baby .

A couple minutes pass and soon we hear our door bell ring . Cora opens the door and hands the baby over to some girl . "Thank you " the girl looks relived to hold her son again ,

Cora nods smiling "It's fine "

The girl leaves with a smile on her face and Cora shuts the door and hugs me .

"I love you and I can't wait till our baby comes " she whispers into my chest .

"I know Cora . I bet the baby will be so beautiful " I hug her harder .

"Yeah " she mumbles as she starts crying .

"Mm hmm " I mumble back joining her in the tears . I hold her and she holds me for a while just crying . After a while we get to planning which we have a month . Oh and just so you now today is may 2nd .

*1 month later *

The music starts once again and I look up to see my amazing bride . At first we wanted a big wedding then a small wedding and now we're medium . Even though I've done this before I still get tears in my eyes as Cora comes into view . She's wearing a simple stunning white puffy dress . Behind her a long veil drags along as she carefully steps down the aisle . My eyes meet her's as she approaches me . She has this perfect little smile on her face and even though her eyes are glistening with tears they're still absolutely beautiful . So filled with emotion and beauty . Her father hands her to me one more time and holding her precious hand we make our way to the alter . The preacher says everything he needs to and soon we're at the vows again . 

This time instead of saying I do right away I look into her eyes to capture the moment then I whisper "I do " I'm pretty sure only Cora hears it but it's fine cause she's the only one that needs to know . After her vow too the preacher signals us to place the rings on each other's fingers . I gently put it on her delicate finger and kiss it after . She also slides my ring on and soon the preacher tells me that I can kiss her . I take her chin in my hands gently lean forward for a small but sweet and sincere kiss .

"Ladies and Gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce you to Mr . and Mrs. Aiden and Cora Faze " I beam as the preacher says the most amazing words I've heard other then I do from Cora . I look at her for just a minute then I take her hand and run down the aisle,  my amazing life partner Cora , by my side .

* Next day *

As it fry bacon for the two of us I hear Cora shout "Turn of the grill "

I'm confused but I do it and head into the bathroom where Cora is . "Wh.. "

"My water broke " Cora is sitting on the floor with a huge puddle under her .

A hand goes up over mouth as I grab our suitcase and try to get Cora into the vehicle . I drive quick thinking about how it's April 14 and Cora is gonna have our baby . After we get to the hospital and get us registered we head into a room . A doctor comes in and helps her get settled .

*A day later *

It is now the 15th of April and a doctor just came in to tell us we could start pushing .

"You look gorgeous "I kiss her head leaving my lips tingling .

She gives me a soft but weak smile .

"You can do this " I say squeezing her hand .

"I know " she nods before getting ready .

*soon *

"Wah "  a baby's wail interrupts the room .

"I'm a mom " Cora cries pulling me closer as they lay the baby on her chest .

"It's a boy " a nurse shouts above the noise .

"I'm a dad " I cry letting my tears drop . After holding the baby I text my family and her dad .

"Here is the baby " the nurse hands my son to Cora after cleaning him up .
"Hello son" she says cuddling against him .

"Someday we'll ride motorcycles together " I say smoothing his forehead .

After we've spent some quality time with the most amazing baby the door opens and my family and her family step inside .

"He's a darling " Mom smiles tears in her eyes .

"Someday hell be a model for Calvin Klein " her dad says causing us to laugh .

"He sure will " my dad plays along .

"Hopefully he would take turn into his mom " A voice I don't recognize says but from the look on Cora's face I already know who it is .

*Xavier's POV  *

"Hey guys , Cora and Aiden had a baby boy " I say as soon as I get off the phone .

"Let's go check it out " Cole grins as he leads us into the vehicle .

"Yes let's go " Riley follows excited .

I laugh as I wonder " Wonder what they'll name him ? "

"Danny Charles " Riley jokes .

"Obviously something cool because I'm the godfather " Cole says happy. I watch as his eyes land on his phone and I can just so read a text message . [We're going to the hospital , I'll introduce you the my friends there ]

We arrive at the hospital shortly after and all climb out of the vehicle . A black shadow is standing at one end of the building . I don't recognize the man but Cole does . He jumps towards the man and tackles him . The man pulls out a knife and stabs him .

"No " I shout jumping towards the man and stabbing him .

I see Cole is almost out of air and drag him into the hospital .  Riley helps get him into a room and soon he's on life support .  "We have to go " Riley drags us towards Cora and Aiden's room . I sniffle a sob and follow her towards the newborn baby .

Sorry not sorry .

Well what do you think they'll call their baby ?

Hope you liked it .

Bye loves

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