#10 Who , where ?

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Cora's POV

I wake up to a stinging feeling in my one arm . As I open my eyes I see how bruised my arm is . Memories filled my brain .

*Flashback *

I saw a shape by the window but I fell asleep . Soon after I feel a pull from my arm . I open my eyes and see a Steve smirking . He's with six other men . I kick my leg up and grab my gun . I start shooting and kicking . Blood goes everywhere and all of a sudden a cloth is over my mouth and then everything goes dark .

*End of Flashback *

I hear a familiar voice .

"Cora , Cora you will pay for killing my team "

"Steve " I yelled which was more a whisper .

"So I hear you are having a baby in about 6 months " he crouches at my bed .

I hold back my crying . We have a mole cause if knows we obviously have a mole .

"So who told you ? " I manage to spit out .

He laughs a starts untying me .

"Here eat " he gives me a plate of food .

"No" I say even though I am really hungry . "You could have put poison in to kill my baby "

"Haha . No. " He chuckles some more .

"And why would I believe you ?" I ask cockly.

"Cause I am keeping you here for six months and making you give birth then I will kill you but not before killing your baby in front of your eyes " he grins .

"Any reason why you would wanna do that ? " I challenge .

"Because then you will go through lots of pain , giving birth and then I will kill what you just had lots of pain for , by cutting of its head " Somehow he still shows no sympathy .

A tear rolls down my check as he finishes untying me . That selfish bastard will get it . I eat the food and stand up looking around .

It's nice I guess .

A matress with a blanket , steel doors, a soft carpet , a fire place , a couch and a mini fridge . I sighed well if I'll be living here and going to die here , I might as well be comfortable . I sit down on the coach and see art stuff and a video camera . I decide I will do some art then go to bed . I finish my peace and I curl myself up in my bed and cry myself to sleep .

*****Aiden's Pov *******

I have not slept for days , 3 to be exact . . We still have no idea where Cora is . I love her so much . I hear the phone ring and pick it up .

"Hello " I say .

"Hello Aiden " comes the voice back .

"Who is this ?" I yawn .

"Your mom "

I sigh " What do you want ? "

"Well have you found her yet ? "

"No " I sigh .

"Well try calling her close friend the gangleader Dan " she offers .

"OK , why ? " I ask confused .

"I have a feeling , now hurry "

"Okay what's the person's number ? "

My mom gives me his number and I dial it into the phone .

"Hello " I hear an old voice coming from the other end .

"Hello , are you Dan ? " I ask almost desperate .

"Yes , why ? "

"Because Cora has been kidnapped for three days by Steve "

There's a quick pause then he answers .

"Yeah I will help "

"Okay but , how ? "

" I have a couple people working for Steve undercover . I will tell you the rest tomorrow "

"Okay " I say " Sounds good . "

"Now go sleep , you sound tired "

"Okay goodnight " I reply . I slowly climb into my bed somewhat relieved that we might get her tomorrow or at least know where she is . I sink into the pillow and drift to sleep .

I wake up at 6 the next morning and call Dan , he seemed to be up too . I wonder how much he cared about her .

"Hello " I'm guessing Dan's voice makes me chuckle .

"Yes it's Aiden . So what did your guys say about Cora ?"

"Um since they're not in the complete trust zone they did not get into everything . But they gave me a bunch of addresses to places she might be . And there's only one with Cora and there's 20 . So it could take a while . " he says in a serious tone .

"Okay , send me 10 of them and you do the other 10 , got it ? "

"Yes , mom ." He chuckles .

"Sorry " I reply " I just care so much about Cora and I want her home "

"Yeah , I know me too . " I still wonder why he cares so much . " Well bye I am sending then now "

"Bye " I reply then I go back to thinking that it's been 4 days without my girlfriend . When she gets back I will marry her . I chuckle at the idea , husband and wife .

Beep beep I get a message from Dan .

[ These are the addresses ]

I scroll through the addresses then reply

[K thanks ]

[No problem ]

[So how do you know Cora? ]

[ Friends with her dead brother , when he died I
promised I would keep her safe but I failed ]

[Well its okay we'll get there bye ]


I put my phone in my pocket and take my keys to start driving to one of the addresses he sent me .


It's really short but it was either super long or short so I chose short also I didn't update the extra chap cause watt pad stopped working till like today. But the bonus chapter is still coming .

Anyways this chapter by mahei3997 .

Cote and vommet and share

Love you guys
💟Helena and mahei3997 💟

Ps .

Check out sugoe12 and Annabrauntml

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