#17 Kisses

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Potd is .. my friend Anna again .

She's awesome ..check her out .

*Cora's POV *
I wake up to see that what they say about after birth is 100% right . There's proof in my pants . As I pick up Cole from in between me and Aiden I wake Aiden and Xavier up . (Xavier is here to bodyguard us )

"Let's go now "

"Yeah , yeah " they mumble . I put Cole down on the bed then pull out my gun .

"Owww "The two of them groan in pain .

"I'm up , you must be on your period " Xavier comments . Witch earns him another hit in the head with my gun . But he's kinda right .

"When are we going again ? " Aiden asks . "Cole needs a birth certificate "

"Yes, we'll get it . Xavier go and take charge of the gang till we're back " I say we'll more like command .

"Okay seeya " I watch as Xavier leaves the room .

"Awe " I coo as I pick up Cole .

*Aiden's POV *

As I watch Cora pick up Cole I know that we are going to be having more kids . Well at least that's what I want . As I walk up behind , I higher stomach ."Hey babe " I greet her .

"Hey " she replies .

"Do you want more kids ? " I ask her .

She looks down at Cole for about 3 minutes "Yeah " she smiled . Good . "Not now though " she scolds .

I look down to see my little friend . "Shit " I mumble .

"Let's go" she says .

"Yeah " I agree .

She turns around holding Cole dressed in warmer clothes . "So let's go " she says when she's done wrapping Cole in a blanket .

We just finished out Cole Uthando Faze's birth certificate and now we are about to walk out of the hospital .

"Miss Faze , your friend Cole needs you "a nurse runs up behind us .

Cora leaves Cole with me and runs of . I sit down in the waiting room and admire Cole for like an hour .

"Let's go " I hear Cora return and see she has tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong ? " I ask as I greet her with a hug .

"They put Cole off Life support and he didn't make it " she sobs into my arms for a second .

"It's okay we got our Cole now " I say . She simply nods and soon we're on our way again . Now we're on the way to the we're house and all I'm hearing is crying from Cole . "Wah , wah " . I turn around to see Cora cradling him and all but he's still crying .

"I think he wants milk " I smirk . She sighs pulling down her shirt . He calms down as soon as he latches on . In about 3 minutes Cole is sound asleep and we are at the warehouse .

I open the door quietly trying not to wake Cole .

"Surprise! " Whole gang jumps out at us . Which is about 55 people so it's loud nut they all have gifts .

"Shh " Cora yell whispered which causes everyone to chuckle . "So I am gonna go sit over there "Cora points . "And you all will all open the gifts over there in a circle cause I am gonna die if I open anything . Holy Shit move ! " Cora yells witch causes everyone to back away but also makes Cole cry .

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