#2 Blah blah . .us

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Hi there , I didn't want to have any filler chapters so
I tryed to stick in a few juicy parts but ya mostly a filler chapter.I'm so sorry that so far there no juicy parts but the next chapter will totally . Anyway we really hope you enjoy this book .

Cora's P.OV.

"Ding a Ling "my alarm clock wakes me up the next morning . I yawn and lazily slump off my bed . A note is waiting for me on the bathroom counter .

I brought you home - Aiden

I crunch it up and and throw it into the garbage . Carefully I put my hair up in a ponytail cover up my hickey on my neck with bandades growling in frustration .Still growling I get a text .

Look under your bed

I reach under my bed and retrieve a black lace dress. Aiden ? Yes of course he gave it me .I hesitate for a second but put it on anyway.I leave satisfied with my look.

"Hey peeps "I say boringly to my friends Riley , Xavier , James , and Archor.

"Sup "I hear them answer .

"What happened to your neck "Riley asks confused .
"My cat scratched me "I say even though I have no cat.

"You have a cat ? "she oohs .

"You can come over and see it sometime "I grin big.

"What color ? How big?"she asks obsessed .

"Shut up already "I grin.

"Geez "she groans and starts talking to the others again . I watch as Mr . bad boy , Awesome kisser,Hickey boy walks across the school yard giving me a wink as he passes by.

"You can come see my cat tonight at eight , got it "I say to Riley as we walk into the school.

"Yess "she squels .

As the day goes by I keep thinking about Aiden . Obviously fricken hot , maybe a playboy . No No No he couldn't , besides even his shirt agreed with me. 12 turns to 1 and 1 to 2 and so on till 4.I hurry to the pet store to get a cat.

"I would like a cat , White , fluffy , wild and big claws and fangs."I say to the clerk at the pet store . I wait for a little and finally he comes out of the back room with a cat .After I pay for my perfect cat I head home.

"There are some guys for you "My dad points to the kitchen .

I enter the room to see two buff guys ."Come with us "one guy grabs my arms and trys to pull me along.

"Never " I kick him in the ass . Quickly I grab a pan and knock both of them out . After my encounter with the men Riley comes over.

I let her name the cat Lucky and I watch as she spends the night with it. Later I pull the cuddle blanket up to my head and cuddle with Lucky .

Beep, Beep ,Beep.
I really should turn off the alarm . Yawning I get out of bed and dress in a crop top and a skirt.Both black, and no I'm not a goth.I put on red lipstick and my slittly waved hair is down reaching past my shoulders.
I give Lucky some food and head out .
When I get to school my freinds are all there .

Riley , the only other girl and my best friend .

Blake , that is always stupid .

Xavier , the smartie and a good friend .

Cole, that has never smiled , but is still cool.

Colton , a great friend .

Grey , a normal person well I literally never talk to him.

Archor , the funniest person ever.

Ashley , she's not in my gang but is considered a friend because she's dating Grey .

Curtis , a great friend .

Last but not least the twins,Austin and James .
Austin is what I call a smirker. James is just plain dumb .

"Hey gang ,what's with the faces ?" I say noticing their expression .

"You're not going to believe this " Cole exclaims.

"What ? "I ask confused .

"The Snakes are here " Xavier points to the far corner of the school yard .

SHIT ,shit, shit ,shit .This is going to be so weird and stupid .

"Well we should head in " Austin shrugs and I watch as they walk in.

"Hey " comes a sexy voice from behind me.I turn around to see Aiden . A light blush comes to my face and I immediately try to stop myself.

"It's okay to be impressed " he smirks with his cocky

"It am not " I defend myself .

"Are too"

"Fine "I groan . He pushes me against the tree and kisses my cheek , leaving a simple trace.

"I am not the enemy "he whispers before he leaves . Before anyone sees me I climb into my car and head home. WTF I think as I see police cars crowding my driveway . I watch with horror as they pull my dad out of the house in handcuffs .

Shocked I run up to my dad "What happened ? "I ask confused .To my surprise he slaps me across the face . Real nice welcome dad. Ps. Note the sarcasm .

"Stop " I shout at the police officer .

"Sorry mam "the police leave me glued to the spot leaving me only with the sound of the sirens wailing.No please I think . I spend the night cuddling with Lucky ,well untill I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey "I say it almost to fast.

"Hey can we talk ?" a very good looking Aiden says.

"Ya .." before I can finish he walks in and places a sloppy kiss on my lips.So by talk he meant make out. He places another sloppy kiss on my lips and pushes me towards the coach .
Hey guys sorry about the shortness, I promise the next chapter will be longer.


1. Will they start dating ?

2.Will the snakes actually go to war with them?


This chapter by Maggie heide .

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