#13 Take 1

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********Cora's POV **********
I glance around the room where people are joking all around the table . I stop when I see Cole smiling . This is a once in a lifetime sight . I grab my phone and snap a picture so when he tells me he doesn't smile I can show him .

We finish our dinner and the girls start doing the dishes .

"Congrats " Riley gives me soft smile before she closes the dish washer's door .

"Yeah , I know " I smile tears of happiness .

****** Aiden's POV *****

I watch as Cora enters the room wearing a silk robe .

"It was fun tonight " she says before walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips . I take her all in and kiss her back .

"Yeah it was " I say against her lips .

"Mmhmm" she pushes me onto the bed and lays her head on my chest .

"I love you " I say as I play with her hair .

"I love you too " she smiles and leans further into my chest .

**** Cora's POV ********

I inhale Aiden's scent the leads me to a peaceful slumber

Beep ...beep.

"Aww" I groan slapping the alarm clock .

"Good morning babe " I hear a sexy voice say .

"Good morning stranger ....holy shit" I say out of the blue .

"Haha it looks like yo-you sa w a gho , ghost "Aiden says between laughter .

I stay still and he stops laughing .

"What's wrong ? " he asks after a minute .

I take his hand and pull it towards my stomach .

"It's kicking " he gasps .

I cry out tears of , well joy and happiness along with fear . "I'm going to be a mother" I cry out .

"I know " he pulls me into a hug "Let's go check up on the baby " I nod my head on agreement heading towards the door .

"Do I look fat ? " I question .

He smirks "Yep ." I go to the bathroom to see me . I must admit I'm pretty fat . Like it looks like 6 months which is good cause that's what I am .

"Let's go " Aiden carries me towards the car shutting the door behind me . Then he heads to my seat " It's gonna be okay "

* later *

"So when is it due ? " I ask hoping .

"Well in May so like 4 months from now "

"So do you want to know it's gender ? " the lady asks .

"Umm no we're fine " I say after a few seconds of taking through out brains .

"Okay , remember that you have an appointment here next month "

"Thanks " me and Aiden chime as we walk out the door .

*4 days later *

It has gotten harder to walk in the past few days . But today that's not stopping me from going down the aisle . That's right , right now I getting ready . I'm wearing a beautiful long wipe dress that is just a bit plain , but still beautiful . My hair is in a side french braid and I have no make up on.

I take a deep breath as I look at myself in the mirror one more time . In five minutes my dad us walking me down the aisle .

To put it short , Im nervous but excited .

*5 minutes later *

As i walk down the aisle I see my mom and her husband , Jake . I see my gang , our gang I mean . Im linking arms with my dad . Everything is perfect , everything , the cake , the people , my life . It couldn't get better at all . As I get to where Aiden is my dad kisses me on the check and whispers " good luck . " I give him a quick smile and walk up to where the love of my life is . The preacher starts talking but I zone out and watch as Aiden looks me over . I have a huge smile on my face as I listen to the preacher talk about marriage .

After a while the preacher turns to Aiden "Do you Aiden Logan Faze take Cora Brooklyn Greene to be your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part ?

"Yes , I mean I do " he stutters blushing as the crowd laughs a little .

"And do you Cora Brooklyn Greene take Aiden Logan Faze to be your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part ? " the preacher turns to me .

"I do " I do I want to marry Aiden more then ever before .

We exchange rings and then the preacher says " You may now kiss the -"

Bang .

A gun shoot echoes through the warehouse .

I see Steve and this other guy along with his gang .

"Shoot " I hear a guy yell as I grab my gun out of my leg strap .

"Down get down " Soon shots are being fired all over . I mean everywhere . I manage to get the preacher to a safe place along with a few close relatives . After minutes of continuous shooting Steve gets away with his friend .

"Shit " I groan as I feel a pain on my side .

"Let's go home , we can have another wedding next month " Aiden helps me stand and walks me out the church .

When we get home the house is trashed . So we go home and as I open the door I hear my dad's voice .

He's holding a phone up to his ear . "No Debbie it was the jackass Jace Romer's fault . "

I puck my phone and call Dan . " Search Jace Romer please " I say to Dan .

"Fine " he grunts " Congrats on your wedding though , I'm sorry it got ruined "

"It's fine Dan , please find this man . Thank you bye " I end the call .

"Cora " Aiden's voice startles me .

"Yeah? " I reply .

"Your dad's upstairs now let's go in your room "

"Yeah " I open the door all the way and head towards my room .


So that's that ..

Also so I have 1.23k reads which I am really thankful for but votes not so much. And I know sometimes when you read you forget to vote but I want to even the votes and reads up . I can't do that without you guys so take the time to vote .

And for those that got me so far with votes already thank you !

If I'm sounding desperate sorry *sad face *.

Anyways love you
💟Helena & Maggie 💟

Again check out sugoe12 mahei3997 Annabrauntml
Bye loves 😙

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