#16 Our SON !

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Potd is lianegb .
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* Cora's POV *
I glance at my mom trying to stop myself from crying .

"No Cora don't " Aiden holds me back .

I brush him off easy my temper rising " Debbie nothing you have ever done gives you a reason to be here !" I scream.

"Now , now Cora " she smiles like an idiot .

"Get out now " I shout pointing at the door  . When she doesn't do it , I storm towards her and give her a push .

Instead if going towards the door she falls down and looks up at me with fear in her eyes "I just wanted to tell you I had another baby five years ago . His name's James "

Before she's gone Riley , Xavier and some more members of our gang come in. I notice someone missing .

"Where's Cole ? " I ask confused .

"He's ..he's on life support " Riley stutters .

"Why ? " Aiden questions .

"There was someone that he fought with and the person stabbed him . " Xavier speaks .

"Well " I say tears in my eyes " Who's the person ? "

"We don't know but he's dead " Riley answers to my relief .

I sob for a few moments and ask more questions . I look at my dad and see he's pulled into a ball sobbing into his shirt . I'm not surprised because when I ditched Cole for Riley Cole and my dad would talk . They became great friends eventually and I see why my  dad is crying .

"It's okay we have a baby to celebrate " I smile at him .

"Okay "he grins at me and takes my son out of my arms . "He looks kind of like Cole "

"Yeah "I say admiring my baby .

"OK name time " Aiden's mom pipes in .

"Nathan "

"Bruce "

"Stephen "

The names come from around the room . It goes on like this for a few more minutes then a nurse comes in and tells the family to leave so they can do a few checkups .

"I though I'd never have to become a grandpa " dad says just before he leaves . I glance at him a little worried about what it means .

*Aiden's POV *

"Can I go check something ? " Cora asks looking worried .

"Yeah sure " I say as I take the baby .

"It might take a while " I'm given a quick kiss on my check .

After she's got the nurse's permission she gives a quick wave and she's gone.

Why did she leave so quickly ? Is it something to do with her dad . I quickly give God a message . I hope Cora is okay .

"What's his name ? "Riley interrupts me .

"What ? " I ask out of confusion .

She gives a simple gesture to my son in my arms .

"Oh ., the baby " I stutter .

"Yes, the baby " she says with a duh tone .

"He doesn't have a name yet " I say as I lay the baby into her open arms .

"Awe he's so cute " she giggles in adoration .

I smile weary eyed at my son . My SON . I'm a daddy to to the best son ever . A tear glistens and I give him a soft kiss . A sign of everlasting love for him .

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