#18 plans

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* Cora's POV *

"Aiden who the hell are you kissing ? " That's right I'm watching teary eyed as my husband kisses some girl .

Shocked he steps away "Cora it isn't what you think "

"Then what is it ? " I pull the girl towards the door . After a few minutes of silence I speak again " Exactly what I though , you don't have a reason "

"No I can explain " he defends himself grabbing my side .

"You have 1 minute to explain "

"Okay well every year me and my friends do a dare . If we fail we have to street race against Phil the legend "

"And this was there dare ? " I ask confused .

"Yeah "

"They seriously want you to cheat on me " I ask offended .

"Look we pick out of a hat " Aiden defends their ways .

I stay silent for a while thinking about what I just heard and found out . "Please forgive me " I look at Aiden to see him pleading .

"Only if you still street race against him "  I lay down the terms .

"Anything if you forgive me "

"Tomorrow at 5 " I try my best to imatadate his smirk .

  * Aiden's POV  *
*the next day *

" Guys please lie for me " I plead my friends for the millionth time today .

"Fine " I watch as they throw their hands up in defeat .

"Thanks guys "

"Yo welcome but you owe us " Ding a Ling a beeping noise stops them from going on . I grab my phone embarrassed because I though it was one of theirs .

[Meet you at the track ]

I smile at her eagerness to get going before I hop into my car and drive down the road .

*Later *

The area is crowded as I make my way back from the betting area . I glance around looking for Cora . My eyes land on a girl wearing a black leather jacket with high leather jeans . No that can't be or is it .Cora? I make my way over carefully weaving through the crowd .

"Ladies and gentlemen , could all racers please make your way to the starting line "

"Dammit " I mutter as I realize I never actually got to the girl because she's already gone . Cursing I make my way through the crowd and to the starting line .

"Hey Aiden " Cora exclaims as she pulls me into a hug . I pull back to examine her outfit . Turns out she is that girl I was starring at .

"What are you doing over here ? " I ask surprised .

"I'll be racing in honour of Cole " she flashes me her million dollar smile .

"How ? " I ask confused .

"You'll have to wait and see " she winks suggestive .

"Well Cora it'll be fun to watch you lose "I joke .

"Not " she whacks my arm playfully .

"I guess we'll see " I say before kissing her one last time and heading into my car.

We settle into our cars and the race starter let's a shoot go lose .

"Bamm " I jolt towards the speed as I leave dust behind . Turning up the exhaust I zoom towards first place . I laugh as I pass one of the 4 people racing .
One down , two to go . As I round a corner letting go of the speed just a bit to drift I watch as a camero speeds past me almost in slow motion .

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