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*Aiden's POV

A look of shock comes across Cora's face as she sees it .

"Is this real ? " she asks tears on her eyes . I simply nod taking her into my embrace . She sobs into my arms trembling . "Thank you " she looks up her eyes still glistening  .

I wait till her tears are dry and she's no longer trembling to ask her ."Wanna go check it out ? "

"Yes " she nods picking Cole up on a hurry . I watch as her eyes dart up to the beautiful wooden sign with the words "The Haze family " engraved in it . We walk up the long driveway admiring all the flowers and the huge property . As we get farther up a barn and a house come into view .

"Let's check the house out " she points excited . I nod taking Cole as we almost run inside . The farmhouse is beautiful , pretty wooden cabinets line the kitchen walls , a hardwood floor lays under the island , a window is placed above the sink with a beautiful view . The dining room is simple with the same hardwood floor and a big table . A few steps take you from the kitchen to a wide open lounge area . A beautiful grey rug covers up the floor in the middle  , two grey coaches lay on the edge of the rug , a fireplace is set in the middle of a brick wall . The nursery that I lay Cole in is a light blue with teddy bears all over and plain white crib .

"Let's get to bed okay ? " Cora asks when she comes back from our tour .

"Yeah " I nod and we get into bed with happy thoughts .

*morning *

" Hey guess who called ? "I hear Cora ask me as I walk into kitchen .

"Your parents ? " I ask as I open the fridge looking for milk .

"Yep you guessed it " She flashes her smile at me .

"Yes " I try to scream but my tiredness comes out and it comes out as a screech .

"Haha " she laughs almost spitting her tea out .

"Cole " I whisper reminding her .

"Right " she stage whispers .  " Anyways my parents will be arriving in like one hour and the rest of the gang are arriving at lunch . "

"Oh that's awesome " I reply excited for all of us to start our new life .

"Yeah I was wondering ....."she starts bringing her volume up again .

"Wondering if ? " I ask impatiently waiting for her answer ,

"If we could have supper here tonight for all if them ?   " she flashes me her puppy eyes .

"Of course that would be awesome " I grin at her good idea  .

"Yes " She shrieks .

"Wah" I hear a cry from the other room and turn to look at her . I watch as she debates her options and slowly make my way over to the nursery . I silently creep the door open and take my little Coley out of his crib carefully .  Wrapping him up I bundle him in my arms and take him to the kitchen .

"Thanks " Cora smiles her weariness no longer so evident in her eyes .

"Your welcome " I reply laying him in my lap as I carefully take the bottle Cora has prepared for me . I press the nozzle onto his tiny lips and he accepts to my surprise .

"Yes! " Cora screams at our son taking the bottle for the first time . I know that might not be the best but I'm glad Cora is no longer the only that can feed him .

"So do you wanna go grocery shopping ? " I ask after a few minutes of silent happiness .

"Yeah , we need some stuff for this amazing meal "  I laugh as Cora puts on a accent   .

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