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a/n: I am aware that Miles is the keeper for Slytherin but for the sake of the story he won't be.


Potions wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Oliver was actually a brilliant partner and really respected the art of creating potions, just as I do. At the end of the lesson we were each given five house points for making a perfect potion together. Once the lesson had ended I quickly tried to make an exit, mostly from Oliver, of course I still hated the boy, however not before a floating piece of parchment landed on the table in front of me.

I expected it to be another desperate letter from Marcus Flint, however, my name scrawled across the top was much neater than Marcus' handwriting. I opened the parchment rather excitedly, scanning through it quickly. It was a letter from Professor McGonagall. She wanted to discuss my lessons and how I would be taking all of them. I had known she had wanted to speak with me about my options for this year onwards as it is very hard to take all lessons considering most are taken place at the same time.

I quickly shoved the letter into my robe pocket and hurried towards my next lesson. I would be meeting with Professor at 7pm in her office.

The day went by fast. Luckily today was not one of the days I needed to be in two places at once. I wondered hard about how Professor McGonagall was going to help me attend my lessons.

I took all the core subjects, as did the rest of the pupils, however I also took Divination and Care Of Magical Creatures as my two options at the end of my second year. By now, in my fifth year, I'm taking all 7 core subjects plus the two I chose and I have added on this year, Arithmancy and Study Of Ancient Runes. Thats eleven subjects! ELEVEN!

Not only that but I study Muggle Art and Ghoul Studies as extra-curricular subjects and helped out with teaching the first years Quidditch during my free time last year (although I doubt I could even attempt it this year.)

Soon the time came for me to go visit Professor McGonagall. She was seated at her desk, Peeves floating round her and touching everything he could get his hands on. 

"Ah, Miss Lestrange, I have been expecting you!" McGonagall spoke as she saw me enter, "sit, sit."

She motioned to the chair in front of her desk, I sat cheerfully awaiting her explanation.

"Obviously, not many of our students here at Hogwarts are as bright as you Miss Lestrange, taking eleven classes is going to be tough." I nodded understanding her, "this here," she took out a small gold object which resembled an hourglass that was secured by a chain. It looked old and valuable and it was very beautiful, "is a time-turner. It is capable of sending the user back in time."

"Miss Lestrange, this object is a very dangerous one, many people have died from using it and it is why the Ministry have kept it such a big secret. However, you, you are the brightest witch of your age and the Ministry, with your permission, have allowed me to give this to you. To manage your lessons of course." She explained further.

Well, I never expected something like that to happen. The fact McGonagall thought that I was intelligent and bright enough to be trusted with it was a privilege.

"The number of times one turns the hourglass corresponds to the number of hours one travels back in time. Please remember Lucia that time related magic is very unstable and you must not let anyone, no matter what, know that you are in possession of this object. Also, please do not travel back in time more than five hours-" McGonagall continued to explain the use of the time turner and placed it carefully around my neck.

Miss Lestrange ➝ Oliver Wood x OC (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now