christmas break.

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Once me and Oliver had finally reached Hogwarts we jogged all the way to Dumbledore's Office, desperate to tell him what had happened. When we arrived in his office, our shoes sodden and wet, our lips as blue as our faces, Dumbledore looked very surprised to see us, as did McGonagall who was discussing something with him and Snape.

"P-Professor Dumbledore, we need to speak with you urgently." Oliver stuttered, shivering both out of cold, shock and fear. My hand squeezed his a little.
"What could possibly be so important you felt it needed to interrupt a very important and private staff meeting?" Snape asking tonelessly.
"It is concerning the issue of Voldemort having spoken to me and Oliver near The Shrieking Shack today sir." I replied, my tone just as scared as Oliver's, my emotions becoming drained.
"Wood, Lestrange. How are you feeling? Do you feel well enough to explain exactly what happened?" Dumbledore asked, ushering us to two empty seats and handing us each a cup of tea to sooth us.

We both told the Professors what had happened, from what he looked like to where he was to what he had said. Even that part about me speaking in a none English language and first seeing him killing a Unicorn.

"I know its him Professor. I know it is. It all makes sense now. Why Tonks has been working over time, why he was feeding on that Unicorn in the Forbidden Forest. He is trying to come back isn't he? It's because of Harry isn't it sir?" I rambled.

"Unfortunately so, yes." Dumbledore did not like to lie, he was honest to us about everything, "We do not want this getting out, please keep this between yourselves. As you are older students please do keep an eye out for young Harry and his friends, he is prone to, well, act a lot like his father." He chuckled, "Do not be worrying yourselves, Hogwarts and all power to restore him is safe with us, he will not be returning any time soon."

Being reassured by one of the greatest Wizards to have ever lived was a great deal of help.

"The bravery you have both shown today, even in a great amount of fear is a wonderful accomplishment. I award both of you twenty house points. You kept each other safe in dangerous times, not only physically but emotionally. You should both be very proud of that." Dumbledore smiled, knowing he could not help calm our worries anymore than he already had. We trusted him to look after the school and everyone in it.

We were sent off to bed then, Oliver headed out before me, I stayed behind.

"Professor," I started, a little nervously, "Do you think that how I spoke to You-Know-Who today was in Parseltongue?" I asked, feeling a bit ashamed.

"I do believe so my dear. And that is nothing to be ashamed of." He started, "It is a wonderful power to possess, but is unfortunately plagued by the association with bad wizards and witches. It is rare and therefore should be treasured. It may as well come in handy one day." He explained, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I smiled, thanking him and made my way the Dungeons, passing Oliver silently as I did so.


It hadn't been long into the Christmas break when I had to start sending off my presents and letters. After I had wrapped up the presents I could hand out in person I decided to start with Draco. It was almost impossible for our family to ever meet on Christmas or any other occasion. We knew full well that Draco's father, Lucius, was a death eater. He had the dark mark and everything. Narcissa, Draco's mother, my aunt by blood, was practically forced onto the Dark Lord's side out of fear. I didn't really blame them, but their rudeness and obsession with pure blood heritage was what I hated most, and the fact that they forced their beliefs onto Draco. No wonder he acted the way he did.

Miss Lestrange ➝ Oliver Wood x OC (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now