train rides and apologies

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twenty four.

The only word I can describe for my Summer this year was fantastic. I spent most of the time with Theo whilst he was still in England. Of course my aunt and uncle said no to me going to America for three weeks but they did allow me to fly over for a weekend to see the Quidditch game. The game was spectacular to say the least. The holiday as a whole was fantastic. Theo showed me around places he enjoyed going whilst in the US and we even had ourselves a picnic overlooking hills of freshly grown strawberries. 

Now however, the sun filled days of our holiday were over and soon the grey clouds invaded the skies and school was forcing itself back into my life. I hadn't even prepared for any of my exams! I had gotten the feeling that Theo was avoiding telling me something which intrigued me a lot. Perhaps it was nothing, but perhaps it wasn't.

It was now a week before school was to begin and recent developments within the wizarding world had forced itself upon unsuspecting muggle news. Sirius Black. A killer - apparently - had escaped from Azkaban and he was related to...oh, I don't know, me. Great. As if it wasn't enough that everyone knew about the dark side of my family! I mean, from my memory I had never met this second cousin of mine, for all I knew he could be wonderful. I just hoped that this year would be better than the last. Obviously my family had not sat down to discuss the escape of their relative, but I did overhear Remus and Tonks discussing the matter just after the Ministry had paid us a visit.

Over the next couple of days preparing for school I received a lot of unexpected letters from Hermione, The Twins, Theo and Alex. I had not heard from any of my other friends like Tyler. We had grown apart sadly. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, I was confused to why at first until I realised how much of a bad friend he was in reality. Maybe the world was telling me to get rid of the negative people in my life. With that, an unwanted thought of Oliver immediately emerged into my mind. Do I give up on befriending Oliver? I probably should. I don't think I want to, but he makes everything so difficult. Time can only tell I suppose.


Like every other September, starting a new Hogwarts year, I was late. There was a huge difference this time however. After tucking my new favourite photo into my jeans - it was of me and Theo after the American Quidditch Game. He was sporting an American tank top and a groovy set of glasses which I ended up stealing - we were all ready to go.

"Hurry up 'Professor Lupin' we are going to be late!" I laughed excitedly as I pushed my metal trolley towards our correct platform, Remus and Tonks behind me every step of the way. Normally I dreaded school, seeing people I mostly hated, however the thought of having a fun and exciting new defence against the dark arts teacher cheered me up. Plus, I'd probably be able to get off with not doing any homework.

The train was minutes away from leaving when we arrived, however we very luckily hopped on board just in time. Remus was recovering from a full moon so looked quite groggy and under the weather, his hair messy and eyes bagged.

"Come on Lupin, theres an empty carriage here, sleep whilst you can. I'm off to find my friends, I'll be back to check on you soon." I smiled.

"You do realise I am not a child, I don't need checking up on." He sassed.

"Oh my god," I dramatically held onto my heart as if I had been shot, "Your sass just broke me."

"Shut up." He laughed, pulling his jacket over his head and leaning against the glass window.

"Alright Wolfy, keep your hair on."

"Stop calling me that!" He angrily whispered, his head still underneath his jacket.

Miss Lestrange ➝ Oliver Wood x OC (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now