Chapter 20

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*Alison's POV*

"Help! I need help!" I heard Michael screaming as he carried me into the emergency room. I was in no condition to even speak for myself. I clutched my stomach as a sharp pain went through my abdomen once again. I had no idea what the hell was going on but I was terrified.

"Get me a gurney!" Someone else yelled. I'm guessing it was a doctor or nurse. I couldn't really tell who was saying what. The pain was unbearable and I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment. "Sir, can you tell me what happened?" I felt myself being laid down into a bed and I felt it begin to move. I groaned as the sharp pain resurfaced once again.

"I-I don't know. We were sleeping and she started having cramps. T-then she pulled the sheets away and there was blood everywhere. What's wrong with her?" I knew it was Michael who was speaking now. We finally stopped moving and there were people all around me doing different things. I felt someone grab my arm and place something around it, assuming they are probably taking my blood pressure. Then another nurse grabs the opposite arm and starts an IV. I hear the doctor begin to talk once again.

"Sir, has she started any new medications or had a recent surgery? Is she pregnant?" The doctor asked Michael, trying to get as much information out of him as possible seeing I was in too much pain to really speak.

"She's pregnant."

"Okay sir. I'm going to need you to wait in the waiting room please." Out of the corner of my eye I can see the doctor placed his hand on Michael's shoulder.

"No. I can't leave her!"

"Sir, we need room to work. I promise we'll find out what's wrong with her and inform you as soon as possible. She'll be okay, you should get some fresh air." Michael nods and walks out of the room. I look over at the doctor nervously.

"Am I okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked frantically. I hadn't made a decision on what to do yet, but I couldn't help but worry about the baby.

"Miss Grace, I don't know exactly what's going on right now. I'm going to do an ultrasound and try to get a better understanding of what's going on. I promise I will do whatever I can to help you and your baby." I nod. Another sharp pain went through me and I groaned. The doctors couldn't give me anything but tylenol, since a stronger medication could potentially harm the baby and we still didn't know what was going on. We waited a little longer until a nurse rolled in a portable ultrasound machine into my room. The doctor rolled up my shirt a bit and put some cold gel onto my abdomen. He places the probe onto my stomach and presses gently. He clicks some things into the keyboard, I just stare at him. The screen was faced away from me, therefore I had no idea what he could or couldn't see.

"Everyone quiet please. I need to check the heartbeat" All of the nurses in the room stopped moving and the doctor clicked one last button. We all sat there waiting for a noise. Something or anything at all. But there was nothing. Tears welled up in my eyes. This couldn't be, this was not happening.

"Why can't we hear anything? What's wrong with the baby? Is the baby okay?" Deep down, I knew the answer to this question, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Miss Grace, I'm terribly sorry. You just suffered a misscariage." The words linger in my head a little while. I don't know how I was supposed to react. "I'll give you some privacy for now, would you like me to get your boyfriend?" I nod. I couldn't trust myself to form any words. I just needed Michael. He is the only other person who could understand what I'm going through at the moment. The doctor walks away and I'm left in my room with one other nurse. The nurse injects something into my IV and then looks down at me and smiles.

"I've given you some morphine to help with the pain. It should take a few minutes to kick in. If the pain gets worse or if you feel anything else, press the button on the side of your bed and me or another nurse will come help."

"Thank you Miss." She nods and escorts herself out of the room. Soon the door slams open and I met with a frantic Michael. He closes the door behind him and runs over to me.

"Oh my sweet Princess. Are you okay?" I try to hold back the tears but it's no use.

"Mikey I just lost my baby. My child. I didn't even get to decide what I was going to do. It's as if my body just decided for me. I don't know how to feel. One part of me is sad because I was a mother and that chance of growing a family was ripped away from me, the other side of me is kind of..relieved? I know it sounds bad because I just lost a child, but I just don't think I was ready for that kind of responsibility Michael. I just don't know what to do right now."

"I know princess. It's okay to feel the way that you do. I know you were still weighing your options and now you can't decide anymore. It's obvious to feel sad, this was your child. But hey, it's okay. It'll be okay, right? I'm here for you, you know that. Maybe now was just not the right time for a child. Maybe this happened for a reason." I stare at Michael. He was right. Maybe this did happen for a reason. I'm not ready to be a mother, yet. I'm not in a stable mindset and I'm not financially stable. I know I wouldn't want Michael to help me with money for the child. It's not even his child, I didn't want to do that to him. But, I can't help but feel this was my fault. Maybe I did something to contribute to this. Maybe I did something that hurt the baby and that's why this happened. "Hey. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"I know that maybe this did happen for a reason. I'm not stable enough to care for another person. But I can't help but feel that it may have been my fault? Maybe I could've done something to prevent this.." I said, my voice faltering near the end.

"The doctor said that sometimes these things happen. You didn't do anything to contribute to this. This was not your fault. You did nothing, it just wasn't time for you to be a mother. We sit there in a comfortable silence before he speaks up again. "How are you feeling though? Are you still in pain?" I shake my head.

"The nurse gave me morphine and I'm guessing it's starting to kick in." My eyes feel droopy, and they were slowly starting to close.

"Go to sleep Princess. I'm gonna go get you some extra clothes at the hotel and I'll be back when you wake up." He places a gentle kiss on my forehead. Soon, I let the darkness take over and sleep overcomes me.


I wake up with a knock on the door. I sit up and tell the person to come in. The door opens and the doctor walks in.

"Hello Miss Grace. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. The medicine is working and I'm not feeling any pain."

"Okay, that's good. I just came up here to talk to you about what might happen in the next few days. You'll probably be bleeding slightly and pass large clumps. Unfortunately, the fetus was too small for us to be able to remove is so it will just need to pass on it's own. This will happen naturally over the course of the next few days. The bleeding should stop completely in about 5-6 days."

"Okay thank you."

"You will be discharged tomorrow morning and I'm sorry for your loss." Alison nods and the doctor walks out of the room. A few seconds later the door is opened again and Michael walks in with a bookbag on his shoulder. I extend my arms and signal for him to come over and cuddle. He takes the hint and places the bag near the bed before climbing in with me. I snuggle closer into his chest and breath in his strong comforting scent.

"Mikey?" I said, looking up into his eyes.

"Yes princess?"

"You know I love you right. I'm sorry I had to drag you into this. It wasn't even your child, you shouldn't have to deal with this, with me." Michael leaned in and pecked her lips. The kiss was sweet and gentle, filled with love.

"I love you too. And I've told you many times before, I don't care. Whether it was my child or not, you are my girlfriend and I would do anything for you.

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