Chapter 11

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*Michael's POV*

I'm awoken by the loud crash in another room. This was followed by yelling. I groan and cover my eyes. The sunlight was now binding me and I couldn't see a damn thing. Someone had left the curtains wide open. I groan and roll over on the bed so that I was now on my stomach. I notice that the bed was empty and confusion courses through me. I'm pretty sure Alison had slept in bed with me last night. I remember she woke me up because she had a nightmare. The poor girl was shaking and on the verge of having a panic attack. I get out of bed, walk over to the door and head to the living room. The yelling was progressively getting louder.

"Why the hell are you guys yelling? It is 8 o'clock in the morning!" I yell. The room was silent. Ashton and Isabella look down in shame.

"Sorry mate. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Well too fucking late. Now I'm wide awake." I groan. A yawn escapes my lips. "You guys woke me up early, the least you could do is make me breakfast." I rub my eyes and head over to the couch where Alison was sitting. I lay down on the couch and place my head on her lap, facing her stomach.

"Morning Mikey." She places a gentle kiss on my head. I smile.

"Good morning Princess. Why are you awake so early?" I ask. I snuggle closer to her and she begins playing with my hair.

"Some of us don't like sleeping in and actually have things to do Michael." I chuckle.

"I guess. Whatever, I need my beauty sleep but those dickheads over there woke me up. What were they fighting about anyways?" I ask. She scoffs.

"Ashton was trying to pick up the dirty plates we left out last night but he tripped and fell. He broke the plate he was holding. Then Bella started getting mad at him because he should more careful and he could've gotten hurt. I'm not sure what else they said because after that I came in here to watch a movie. They were giving me a headache."

"They give everyone headaches." She laughs. I turn over so I'm laying on my back now. I bring one hand up close to her face and caress her cheek. "How'd you sleep last night princess?" Her face falls a bit when she remembers the events of last night.

"When I fell asleep again I was fine. I didn't have another nightmare."

"That's good." She nods. "Do you want to go out later? I think we both need some fresh air and we could use some time out."
"Sure. Where would you want to go?" She asks.

"We could go shopping for some things for you." I suggest.

"I don't know Michael. I don't want to waste your money."

"Princess you are not wasting it. I want to spoil you with the things you want. No buts, we are going shopping and you will buy anything you want. Don't worry about the money, I'll pay for everything."

"Okay.." I smile. I get up and walk back to my room to try and figure out what to wear. After a while of going through my things, I finally decided on a simple AC/DC hoodie and a simple pair of black skinny jeans. I grab a black beanie to calm my stray hairs. Alison had already chosen what she was going to wear and was now getting dressed. I lay down on the bed with my feet were still planted on the floor. I'm scrolling through instagram just waiting for Alison to get ready. I feel the bed shift and I lock my phone and put it beside me. Alison was straddling my waist and she leaned down to kiss me. I chuckle into the kiss.

"You weren't paying attention to me so I had to do something to get your attention." She smiles at me innocently. I laugh.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention Princess. You have all my attention now. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes. I wanted to know what you thought of my outfit. She gets off my lap and stands in front of me. She does a small twirl to give me a 360 view of her outfit. She was wearing a long flowy black dress and some flats.

"Princess you look beautiful as always. Now let's go yeah?" She nods. She grabs her phone and her purse and we head to the nearest mall. Once we finally got to the mall, we walked around for a bit.

"Where would you like to go first?" I asked her. She looks around and her eyes land on one store in particular. I follow her gaze to Victoria's Secret. I raise my eyebrows at her and she blushes.

"We don't have to go in there. I-I just wanted to get something."

"You don't have to be embarrassed Princess. I told you you could get whatever you wanted. We can go in there if you'd like." I kiss her head before she begins to pull my arm leading me to the store. The rest of the day was pretty fun. We were now walking out of the mall with about 10 bags. She didn't want to buy much but insisted on getting her everything. We were standing by the doors waiting for the chauffeur to bring the car. The front of the mall was crowded with paps since someone had seen Alison and I go inside. They had been waiting outside ever since. Once I see the car pull up to the front of the doors I look over at Alison.

"Princess I need you to stay close to me okay? Don't listen to what the paps say because none of it is true. They'll just try to get a reaction out of you." She nods. She grabs my arm tightly and I open the door. We make are way pretty swiftly to the car. Ignoring the shouts that we're being directed at us. We get into the car and I place all the bags in the passenger's side. Once Alison and I are fully inside, we're heading back to the hotel.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She nods.

"I'm fine Mikey. Don't worry."

"I'm sorry about that. Sometimes I wish I was just normal and didn't have to deal with all this on daily basis." I sigh.

"Don't say that. I know you may feel overwhelmed at times but think about your fans. You have changed so many people's lives and are a role model to so many. They love you. And if you were just a normal guy, I don't think I would've ever met you."

"You're right. At least I have you. That's all I ever need." I lean in and kiss her. "Do you want to go party later? I heard of this new place called Jule and I heard it's really good."

"Sure babe. Whatever you want." I smile and place my head in the crook of her neck. I'm glad I had her in my life. I wouldn't change it for the world.

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