Chapter 18

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*Third Person's POV*

"Congratulations Miss Grace. You're pregnant."

As these words were spoken, Alison felt as if her whole world had come crashing down on her. She was pregnant. She certainly knew who the father was, and she knew it wasn't Michael. She looked over at her boyfriend whose eyes were trained onto the floor. He didn't even dare say anything. There wasn't much to say, actually. The doctor notices the shift of the mood and furrows his brows.

"Miss Grace. If you are not content with the news, there are always other options. You could put the child up for adoption after it is born. If anything, you can always come here to terminate the pregnancy." He hands Alison two pamphlets, yet she doesn't even realize. Her mind was unfocused and her breathing was uneasy. She had zoned out. The doctor now became quite concerned at her sudden change of mood and her lack of reaction. Michael grabs the pamphlets out of the doctors extended hand and puts them in his sweater.

"Thank you sir. If this is all, I think it's best if we leave." The doctor nods.

"Yes. I'll just fetch your discharge papers and then you can be on your way." He leaves the room leaving the couple by themselves. Michael looks over at Alison, not saying a word. He just looks down at her, not knowing what to do or say. Michael knows the child isn't his, but he knew the situation. He kneels down so he's face to face with her.

"Princess?" He asks. She gives him no response whatsoever. "Baby, please talk to me. Are you okay?" She scoffs.

"Okay? Am I okay? How am I supposed to be okay? I'm carrying a child Michael. I'm not ready to be a mother. I can't raise this child, this child was a result of something terrible. A horrible man forced me to do things with him and now I'm pregnant with his child and I'm supposed to be okay?" She was now screaming and crying. She was feeling a mix of emotions right now and didn't know what to do. Michael reached out and tried to wipe a tear from Alison's face but she moved away from him.

"How can you even look at me right now, Michael? The child is not even yours. You're my boyfriend and I'm pregnant with someone else's child. God, I feel terrible."

"Princess it's not your fault. It's not like you cheated on me. I know what happened and this is not your fault. Look, there are plenty of things we can do. Whatever you pick, I'll be okay with. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you put the baby up for adoption, I'll help you through the pregnancy. If you keep the child, I'll help you raise it. If you decide to terminate the pregnancy, I'll take you to the appointment and help you recover. You won't do this alone, I won't let you." She smiles a bit. There is so much to think about. So many possibilities that can occur. But she still had some time, she knew she had to go over every decision to see which was the best option.

"Thank you Michael." As she finished speaking, the doctor came in and announced that they could head home. The way back to Alison's hotel was quiet. Alison had too much on her mind right now. When they finally entered her hotel room, Alison took off her shoes and climbed into bed. Not bothering to do anything else. She covered herself with her blankets and stared at the wall. What was she going to do? She was only 18 and she definitely wasn't ready to be a mother. She wasn't prepared for this. She wasn't even financially capable of taking care of a child. She didn't even live in her own home! She couldn't even look at her house without breaking down. How was she supposed to live with a child. She definitely couldn't stay in a hotel room with the child.

Alison, in all honesty, didn't know what to do. There were so many options and she knew each one came with their own risks. She could keep the baby, she'd have her very own child. Almost every girl dreams of having their own child at some point in their life, but then again the child wasn't only hers. Alison would always have a constant reminder of that terrible night. She knew it wasn't the child's fault, but it would be too much to bare. She could go through the pregnancy and put the child up for adoption, but then again she wouldn't be able to live with herself knowing her child was out there. Every mother describes this automatic love they have when their child is born. It's like love at first sight. Alison was petrified at the thought of having to raise a child. She was so young and so many things could go wrong. Plus, the idea of birth was even scarier.

Then, there was always abortion. But could she really do that? I mean there was an actual child living inside of her at the moment. A small innocent baby who can't even open their eyes yet, let alone stand up for themselves. She would be killing a child, and not just any, hers. This was just too much to process in one sitting. She decided that maybe a nap would help her. She knew she also had to talk to Michael about her decision. Anything that she chose would affect him as well. He was her boyfriend and is also a huge part of her life. She sees that Michael had climbed in bed with her as well. He was already half asleep. She cuddled closer to him and places a soft kiss on his nose.

"I love you Michael. And I promise, I'll do what's right for us." She says. She closes her eyes and lets sleep take over her.


The blinding lights shine through the windows and Alison wakes up with a groan. Michael was still in a deep sleep and didn't seem to want to wake up any time soon. She sat up and looked around the room. As she did, she remembered the events of last night. She knew she had to make a decision soon. But it was so complicated. One decision could change her life dramatically. But she knew she couldn't do this alone. She looked over at her sleeping boyfriend and looked at him in awe. She knew that her decision will affect him too, because she's not ready to let him go. Not yet, or at all. He meant so much to her and he didn't even know. As she sat there, he began stirring in his sleep. He slowly blinked his eyes open and saw Alison staring right at him. He gave her a small smile.

"What are you staring at Princess?" He asks with a scratchy voice. His eyebrows furrow once he sees a tear slip from her eye and down to her cheek. He immediately sits up and hold her face in his hands. "What's wrong?" She hadn't even noticed that she was crying. It just sort of happened while she was thinking over everything.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I was crying." She says as she puts her hand on top of his. He gently rubs her cheek with his thumb.

"Why are you crying?"

"I just don't know what to do Mikey. One decision can change my life forever. I'm not ready to be a mother, I'm too young. And birth is scary. I mean think about it, I'd be pushing a tiny human out of me! That's scary! But what if I sign up to put the baby up for adoption? What about when the baby is born? So many people talk about the sudden love they have for their child as soon as they see them. I don't think I'd be able to live with the fact that my child is out there in the world, being raised by someone else. But if I keep the baby, it'll be a constant reminder of what happened to me. I'm just getting better Mikey, I'll just go back to square one. Then I wouldn't be in a stable enough to take care of the child. Michael what do I do?" She puts her hands in her head.

"Hey, don't stress about this too much. I know it's a tough decision but I will be there for you no matter what. I know it's not my child, but if you decide to keep the baby I'll help you raise it. If you decide to have an abortion, I'll take you to the clinic and I'll help you afterwards with the recovery. It's not my place to tell you what to do. It's your body and your choice. But whatever happens, you will not lose me. I will stick by your side. I love you too much to let you go."

"I love you too Mikey. I don't want to lose you. I promise that I'll make a decision that's right for the both of us."

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