Chapter 9

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*Alison's P.O.V*

After the few days I had spent in the hospital, today was the day I could get out of this wretched place. I know they just had to take precautions but I hate hospitals. I didn't want to stay here longer than I had to. I'm packing my clothes into my bag when I hear the door open slightly. I turn to see who it was and my eyes widen.

"Hey babes."

"Isabella!" I ran to her and jumped into her arms.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't come see you. I've had exams the past couple of days and I couldn't get out of them."

"It's fine. At least you came." I hug her tightly before she lets me down.

"C'mon. Let's get you home. I know how much you hate hospitals." I giggle. I grab my bag and we head out of the hospital. We order an Uber to take us to my apartment. When we finally get to my house, I unlock my door and we quickly get inside, not wanting to be seen by anyone. Bella runs toward the kitchen making me laugh. That girl was always looking for snacks. I hear the cupboards opening and shutting. I place my bag on the couch before heading to the kitchen as well. Seeing as the noises had stopped. I'm guessing she had found something to munch on. I walk into the kitchen and see her sitting on the counter eating a family sized pack of Oreos. She was so preoccupied with eating that she hadn't realized I'd come into the room. I raise one eyebrow at her. She looks at me and makes a sound and hands the pack over to me. I knew she was asking if I wanted some.

"They're mine, of course I want some." She laughed and put the pack beside her so we could both eat some. I grabbed some ice cream out of the freezer and Isabella squealed when she saw what I was holding. I grab two spoons and take a seat on the counter beside her. We spent about an hour like that. Eating, talking, laughing. I had missed her. I know it had only been a couple of days without her, but she was my friend. I trusted her with my life and we'd been inseparable since we were little. The cheerful mood dies down as Isabella's face becomes serious.

"What happened? I saw some things online but I didn't pay any mind to it. I know the media likes to manipulate shit to create scandals. I wanted to hear it from you." I cleared my throat, not expecting the conversation to change this quickly.

"Well, me and Michael were hanging out that day. He wanted to take me on a date and we went to his hotel because he needed to change. I stayed downstairs in the cab and he ran upstairs to get dressed. He took a while but I didn't think much of it. When he finally got back to the car, he was acting really weird. Really out of it and he was breathing heavily. I asked if there was something wrong but he said he was fine. We went on the date and everything was fine. We were having a great time. But, the whole time while we were at the ice rink, I didn't have any signal. I hadn't seen anything that had happened. When we got out of the building, my phone started getting a whole bunch of notifications. People were spamming me, tagging me in pictures, commenting on my pictures, DMing me. I looked at one of the photo and I saw what everyone was freaking out about.

There was a leaked photo of Michael and Hilary kissing. I freaked out Isabella. You know how it was with Harry. I thought Michael was different. I just had a panic attack. I started remembering the nights when I was with Harry. How he promised me he wouldn't do it again. How he constantly reassured me that he 'loved' me. I panicked. I got dizzy and I couldn't focus on anything. I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't."

"That dick! I'm so sorry that happened to you babes. I know how you get when something reminds you of Harry. Has he spoken to you?"

"Yeah. He was in the hospital. I had blacked out for a while."

"Was your panic attack that intense? You haven't blacked out in a while.."

"I know. But I couldn't help it. Anyways, he explained that he didn't initiate the kiss. Hayley had forced it on him. I know Michael wouldn't do that. I forgave him, of course I was hesitant to. I still am. But I don't want to lose him. And he looked genuinely sorry."

"Babes you forgive people way too easily. Also, I think you need to see someone." I look at her confused.


"Babes you should see a therapist. After Harry, you were never the same again. You'd always get these panic attacks and for a while you didn't want to leave the house. You need to talk to someone about this. I want you to get better."

"No. I'm not gonna talk to some stranger Isabella."

"It's okay to get help sometimes. We all need help at one point. Seeking help from a therapist won't make you seem weak, they'll help you get stronger. You can still always come to me if you need anything but know that you have an option to get professional help. They can provide you with medication if you ever need it or just be there if you need to vent."

"I'll think about it, Bella."

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