Chapter 15

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*Alison's POV*

"Can you tell me a bit about Harry? You've mentioned him multiple times in our sessions, in a very negative way I might add." I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"I don't really like talking about him." I said. I avoided her gaze and looked back down at my lap.

"Well just give me a gist of what happened. I don't need anything explained in full details, not yet anyways. But if he has something to do with your agoraphobia, I need to know what he did to contribute to this." I nod and sigh. I really didn't want to talk about Harry right now. Especially with someone I barely even know. But, I had to do it eventually.

"Harry was my ex boyfriend. We dated for a few years and I loved him." As I finished talking, she scribbled down something in her notepad. She looked back up at me and stared.

"How was your relationship with him?" I cleared my throat.

"He was very abusive. He would hit me, and force me to do things. He would always get drunk and cheat on me all the time. But I stayed. Throughout all those years, I stayed. Because I was too afraid to leave. Afraid of what he might do to me if he caught me. Afraid I might never be able to escape him. I still see him from time to time. I still have nightmares about the things he used to do. He was the reason I had agoraphobia. After we broke up, I was terrified of going out because I might run into him again. I didn't want to see him. I ran away from him and moved into a different apartment on the other side of town. It took me a while before my best friend, Isabella, convinced me to go out again. She assured me that I would be fine and I wouldn't see him. Little by little I started going out again and a few years later, I met Michael." She smiles and continues to write in her notepad. She was about to say something else when the door opened. I look over and I see Michael standing at the doorway. His black hair was flattened down and sticking to his forehead, his clothes that were once a light color were now darkened by the rain.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your session, I thought you'd be done by now."

"Oh it's fine." She said. She started to get up and fixed her skirt before grabbing her things. "Our time was up anyways." She walks over to me and shakes my hand before we both say our goodbyes. She walks out of the room and I stay sitting on my bed. Michael puts the bags he was carrying down and quickly changed out of his wet clothes. He then sits down at the edge of the bed, facing me.

"How was the session today?"

"It was fine. The usual. What did you buy?"

"Oh!" Instead of answering my question he walks over to where he placed the bags and brings them over to the bed. "Well, you said you were hungry and I knew you might be a while for your session so I got you your favorite." He smiles cheekily before taking out the food from the bag. My eyes widen when I see the name on the bag.

"You went to Georgiano's?"

"Yeah. I got you the Fiorentina Steak. I knew you liked it." He gives me a fork and places the dish in front of me.

"Mikey you didn't have to do that. You could've gotten me pizza or something. Georgiano's is all the way across town! I feel bad now." I pouted. He leans in and pecks my lips.

"Hey, you were hungry and I wanted to treat you. I know talking to Dr. Wellson is hard, but you've been cooperating and you are letting yourself get help. You've been having these sessions for a about two weeks now and have had two sessions per week. I'm proud of you. Now eat, before your food gets cold." I giggle and dig into the dish. I cut a piece of steak before putting it in my mouth. I let out a moan and close me eyes. Damn, this tasted good. After eating in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Michael speaks up.

"Princess can I ask you something?" I nod, still chowing down on my food. "Baby, we need to do something about that man." I choke on my food and start coughing.

"What do think we should do?" I ask.

"Princess, I'm tired of you living in fear from him. You don't want to go outside because you think you might run into him again. You still haven't left this room. I know that you are working on it and I'm not trying to pressure you into going out. I'm just recommending that we do something to maybe ease your mind about going out. We could file a restraining order against him or charge him with something, I don't know. I just don't want him protruding into our lives again. I want to make sure he stays away from us. This way, you don't have to worry about him anymore. Or at least you'll worry less."

"I don't know Michael." Now I was just playing with my food. My appetite had been lost. I hated talking about the incident. I just wanted to move on from it and get him out of my mind. But I knew it'd be a difficult task. "It's hard Mikey. I'm still scared. We don't know what he's capable of. And how will I charge him? With what evidence Michael?" He reaches over and touches my neck lightly. I flinch. I hated anyone touching my neck.

"These bruises aren't enough evidence Alison? Your memories of that night aren't enough? I know what he looks like, I saw him the day I went to your house. I can give a description to the police. Princess I want you to feel safe. What he did was disgusting and wrong and no amount of explanation will justify what he did to you. He deserves to be locked up for years Alison. I just want to protect you, I want you to be happy and safe."

"I know Mikey. But I just need some time. One day, when I'm ready, I'll take him to court. But right now my wounds both mentally and physically are still fresh. If we do this now and we don't win this case, I'll only get worse. And I'm afraid he'll hurt me again, or maybe even hurt you."

"You don't have to worry about me Princess. Nothing will happen to me. I understand where you are coming from. It is still very soon. Just promise me we'll do something about this. I won't let that dick get away with what he did. Even if I have to beat him up myself."

"We will. One day. Just not now." He nods. I place the things on the bed on the dresser beside my bed. I pull him closer to me until we're laying down. "Let's just forget about this for now and take a nap. I'm tired."

"Okay Princess. Whatever you say." He leans in and places a kiss on my forehead before sleep takes over me.

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