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*Michael's P.O.V*

It had been 5 years. 5 years since we got married and 5 years since our first child was born. Jaime Maxwell Clifford was born on April 9th, and this little boy was an exact replica of his mother. It was like a mini version of Alison was walking around the house, but in boy version. I had really hoped for a girl, but having this little boy running around our house was just as good. He was the light of my world. I walk into the kitchen and I see Alison eating a jar of peanut butter with a spoon. She stares at me, her eyes wide. I lift my eyebrow in confusion.

"What? Pregnant women have cravings alright? You should have learned this from last time.." I chuckle and squat down so I'm facing her belly. She was 8 months pregnant now and we were having twins. Turns out twins run in Alison's family. We were having two girls.

"Hey babies. I can't wait to see you girls. Ooo daddy's going to spoil you girls once you're here."

"Daddy should spoil mommy too.." Alison says, and she pouts. I get up and kiss her pout away. I leaned my forehead against hers.

"Just say the word baby, I will get you whatever you need."

"Alright. Get me Chinese food, I'm hungry."

"You literally just ate." Her face falls and anger is written across it.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll order some in a bit." All of a sudden Jaime comes running down the stairs.

"MOMMY, DADDY! OLIVER IS CHASING ME!" He runs toward us and hides behind Alison. I chuckle but her face is serious. Then Oliver comes running into the room. He grabs onto my arm, trying to catch his breath.

"Oliver Jay Irwin stop running around before you bust your ass! You too Jaime! If you guys get hurt don't come crying to me." I roll my eyes.

"Stop cursing in front of them Alison."

"I can do whatever the hell I want Clifford."

"Oh shut up. You're a Clifford too." She rolls her eyes and waddles to the backyard. Both boys follow her and I begin to clean up the kitchen. She had made a mess when she was looking for something to eat. After cleaning up I walked to the backyard to join the rest. Oliver and Jaime were playing tag and Alison was sitting on the grass. I walk up to her and place a hand on her shoulder. She relaxes under my touch.

"Princess, Why are you sitting on the floor? Do you want me to get a chair for you?"

"No. I like being on the grass. It's better than those hard ass chairs that make my ass hurt." I chuckle. I sit on the floor and she leans back so that she's sitting between my legs. Her head rests on my shoulder and my hands are placed on her belly. I can feel one of the babies begin to squirm inside.

"They know it's you Michael. Sing something for them, you know they like when you sing."

"Everybody's got their demons
Even wide awake or dreaming
I'm the one who ends up leaving
Make it okay
See a war I wanna fight it
See a match I wanna strike it
Every fire I've ignited
Fades into grey
But now that I'm broken
And now that you know it
Caught up in the moment
Can you see inside
Cause I've got a jet black heart
And there's a hurricane underneath it
Tryin' to keep us apart
I write with a poisoned pen
But these chemicals moving between us
Are the reasons
To start again."

The babies had begun to move even more and Alison lets out a giggle. She grabs one of my hands and laces out fingers together. She had always loved when I sang for her or the babies. Sometimes when she couldn't sleep at night I would sing to her and rub her belly, she would fall asleep in an instant. I swear everyday I fall in love with her all over again. Jaime and Oliver continue to run around and play and Alison and I just watch them. Our life was perfect. We had our own little family. Ashton and Bella had gotten married but before that, they had Oliver. We found out she was pregnant around the same time as Alison. Luke and Claire were engaged and soon to be married. Calum found a girl and they've been dating for about a year. She had a child from a previous relationship, but Calum treated her as his own. He was such a good father. Jaime and Oliver come up to me with a tired expression on their faces.

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