Chapter 8

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*Michael's POV*

I've been sitting in this goddamn uncomfortable chair, for what feels like forever, waiting for Alison to wake up. After she had fainted I called an ambulance and they brought us here to this hospital. The room is quiet. All you hear is the sound of her breathing and the heart rate monitor. The sound was driving me crazy by now. I just wished she would wake up soon. I needed to explain to her what happened. She wasn't meant to find out like that. I feel like a dick for putting her in this position. I made her faint for Christ's sake. I got up and kissed her forehead before heading out of the room. I decided to go down to the cafeteria to get some coffee. I walked down in silence. When I finally got to the cafeteria (after taking two wrong turns), I finally ordered my double shot espresso. The warm liquid soothed me as it went down my throat.

On my way back up to her room I decided to pass by the gift shop. I bought a small white bear and two get well balloons. I walked back up to her room in silence. When I finally reached her floor I walked quickly to her room. The door was slightly ajar and for a moment I panicked. Had something happened? I walked in and saw her sitting up on the bed staring at the wall. She looked at me with pure terror in her eyes. The heart monitor began to beep very fast.

"H-Harry?" I looked at her in confusion.

"No. Sweetheart it's me, Michael."

"Michael?" She asked. I nodded and slowly approached the chair next to her bed. I tried to grab her hand but she pulled away from me.

"I-I got you a gift." I said. I placed the teddy bear in her lap. She looked at us and scoffed. I felt a slight pain in my chest.

"You hurt me Michael."

"Baby I.."

"Don't baby me. You cheated on me Michael. You kissed Hilary and decided to not tell me Michael. I had to find out through the internet. The fucking internet!"

"I know. I'm sorry. But things were going so good with us and I didn't want to ruin the moment. I was going to tell you, eventually. But you were having fun. I didn't want to ruin our date after what happened last time. I didn't know that the paps had taken a picture."

"Why'd you do it? Do you not like me? I don't like being strung along Michael. I'm not some toy."

"I didn't do it. I mean I didn't want to. She kissed me. She said she wanted to get back together. I swear I didn't want to. I don't want her. I want you. Please believe me."

"No Michael. I want to. I really want to. But I can't."

"Why not?"

"How do I know you're not gonna do this again?"

"I promise I won't. I will cut off all connections to her. I'm pissed at her for doing this. I just don't want to lose you." She began quietly sobbing. She put her head in her hands. "Don't cry. I'm so so sorry baby. I never meant to do this to you. I never wanted to hurt you like this. I care about you too much to do this to you. Please don't leave me. I need you in my life." She mumbled something.

"What?" I asked.

"I forgive you. But you need to prove to me that you won't do it again. If something like this ever happens again, I'm leaving for good Michael."

"I promise I won't ever do it again." I climbed into bed with her and hugged her as close as possible to me. We laid there in a comfortable silence. "Sweetheart can we talk about something?" I asked. She nods.

"You called me Harry when I walked in.." she nods again. "Can I ask why?"

"He used to cheat on me all the time Michael. Every night he would come home drunk and with a different girl every time. He would always tell me that it's normal for people to do this within couples. He told me that I was overreacting and reassured that he loved me. I believed him Michael. I let him play with my feelings and he left me broken." She sobs. A tear falls down my cheek. I place a kiss on her forehead and then rest my chin on the top of her head.

"I will never do that to you. Ever. I will never hurt you like he did. I will be here with you every step of the way. The only way you'll get rid of me is if you yourself tells me to go away." She shakes her head.

"I don't want you to leave me."

"I will never leave you. I love you."

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