Chapter 1 - Coincidences

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Dean's PoV

"Everyone would start with introducing themselves, but I kinda think it's too boring to talk too much about me. Summarized: My Name is Dean Winchester and I am twenty-eight years old. I have a younger brother, Sammy, who is twenty- four and studying in Stanford. He wants to become a Lawyer and he is doing good there, nailing every possible high score.

I live in Sioux Falls in South Dakota. I am the Captain of my team and I am fighting for my way up to become the Chief. A little background story here, Sammy and I got adopted by a great man called Robert Singer. He was my biological father's best friend and our godparent. My mother died in a house-fire, which was an assassination against my father, he was a Detective. I was four years old back then and Sammy was only six month. I had to carry him outside, while my father tried to save our Mother, vainly. Both of them never came out of this fire.
They bought us straight to Robert Singer, who adopted us without thinking twice. He was the Chief of the Police Department in Sioux falls, which made me look up at him and raise the dream to become a police officer like him. We never struggled to call him our father, because we never felt like he wasn't. He was a great man and he deserved everything he dreamed of.

I am talking in past tense, because he deceased a few years ago. Leaving his wife Ellen, his son Henry and his daughter Joanna, my mother, my brother and sister, behind. He died in a shot change with a criminal and it was tragic for every one in our little town. Everyone looked up at Bobby Singer and all of us will miss him...

I am working hard to hold the image of my father, so everyone can talk full proudly about him and how he raised his sons. One is a Lawyer and the other one is Chief in Sioux falls. He would be really proud of us... I hope..."

It was in the middle of January. It was snowing lightly and everywhere were kids running around and enjoying the winter weather. It was my shift to drive through the streets of our quiet town, to make sure it stays quiet. While I was observing inconspicuous, I found myself staring at someone who seems quite showy. He was wearing a tan trench coat, which seems a bit to big sized, underneath it a black suit with a blue tie. As my eyes wandered up too check on his face, I only noticed sunglasses and embarrassing properly combed hair. Everyone around him stared at him and how could someone not? It was in the middle of winter, snow falling from the sky and he is wearing a trench coat and sunglasses.

I decided to keep an eye on him and while a few minutes passed I realized that he was quite uncomfortable. Not being happy about the attention he causes and I am not sure if it is the cold weather, but he seems like his face is heating up from a blush. I smirked while I was watching him, my thoughts drifting off to my weirdest memory in my first years as a lieutenant after I came from the police academy.

[Flashback. 5 Years ago]

It was after midnight. I went out of a bar and humming a song I heard in one of the radios at the bar, sightly drunken I decided to walk home and not to jeopardize Baby (my car, a '67 Chevy Impala. I know. Cool). While I was walking down the streets I heard loud noises coming from an alley. I heard words like "Stop it!" "Let me go" and I jolted up when I heard an "Help!" from that person. The adrenaline pumping through my body and pulling down the alcohol level.

I run into the alley, seeing a messed up boy standing over an knocked out man, panting and trying to hold back tears. My eyes wandered around to try to combine what actually happened, but my attention jumped to the man on the ground, who pulled something out of his pocket and was ready for what ever what. I reacted fast "Hey!" I shouted before I run over, kicking the knife out of the punks hand, ducking down when he tried to punch me away "Bad idea to attack a police officer" I mock and kick him K.O. with an simple Taek-won-do kick. I pulled him down on his chest, pulled his arms to his back and bond his wrists with my handcuffs.

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