Chapter 7 - We can fix this

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Castiel's PoV

Six days left until the execution

Dean and I drove in his black 67' Chevrolet Impala up to Sioux City. We were on our way to the prison in which James is waiting for his execution. While he was driving, I was checking the folder with the case and went through all the papers, to make sure I have everything. 

Yesterday night I talked with Zachariah and told him to give Dean seven days to take care of this case with me. Of course he can't say anything but 'Yes, sir.' because I would cut his throat open, any other way.  

"So," Dean started, turning the Rock-music off "tell me the things I need to know about this case, before we talk with Millers" he said, eyes on the road. "Well," I started, looking up from the files and turning my head to watch him "Ten years ago James got arrested, he was running out of his neighbor's house and out of the crime scene of the murder. The victim was Charlotte Reese, Senior year and classmate of James. She was brutally murdered and because James was the one with the cloth in the hand - and by the way the idiot who cleaned some places from his fingerprint- he was the suspect." I said quickly like it was a recording, which was played for too long and for to many times. 

Dean nodded, taking in the words I was saying. I saw how his jar clenched together and his lips were pressed to a line. Of course he would think like every cop did, every proof was hand-tight. But that's not right, no one could do such a crime and tricks my eyes from every reading. There never was anything on James face but fear and this look appears on his fiancé's face too, I'm so fucking done with it.

"Okay, Cas. I got it and after we checked in in the Motel, we will visit Millers. I want to look at him, when he is saying that to me" Dean said soft. I watched him in disbelief. He was okay with it, to work around his colleagues work...

"Why do you help me?" I breathed out, not really being able to shut it back.

"If you trust him, so there is a reason for me to trust him either and seeing you being so filled with consternation, wakes the desire to change it." he said, turning his head to me with a smile. For a second our eyes locked, before he turned slowly back to the street. I felt my cheeks and ears heat up, so I turned my head to look out of the window and tried not to look like a dork with my smiling.


"You what?!" Dean asked in a loud voice and made the receptionist nervous.

"E-excuse me sir, when you called yesterday you said Partner and we thought- well we didn't expect-" she stuttered and Dean interrupted with "So you mean we have to share a bed for the next seven days?" Well, I didn't had a problem with sharing a bed or with them, thinking we are a couple. But it seems like he kinda has a problem with that.

The receptionist nodded, pressing her eyes closed and stiffing her posture "I'm sorry, there is a convention and we were able to save this one room for you..." she mumbled and before Dean could say anything, I grabbed the key from the table "It's fine-" both looked at me confused "I'll sleep on the couch, no problem and thank you for saving a room for us" I told her with a smile and grabbed Dean's hand to drag him out with me.

After we got out, I let go of his hand and looked up at him "Dean, if you had let me take care of it we could be in a Hotel now." I mumbled and he shrugged "Yeah. But we are solving a case and are not here for our honeymoon" he said grumpy and went ahead, his neck and ears turning all red.

When we eventually found our room, I unlocked and opened the door. I smiled at the decent look of it and how everything has it's place. We went inside and placed our bags on the coffee table.

I took off my coat while watching Dean inspecting the room.

"Is there anything wrong, captain Winchester" I sang teasingly. Dean stiffened for a second and turned his head to me, his mouth open, not knowing what to say. I smiled internally, while walking towards him. He gulped, watching me and my moves intensely, as I grabbed both of his shoulders, eyes locking with his.

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