Chapter 16 - Serious consequences

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Cas' PoV

"Hey, Dad. They told me to tell you how I feel, well I feel okay. I guess." Ben's voice chimed through the office. The quality of the video was not good enough to make out where he was, his face was close to the camera. I was glad that I didn't see too much fear in his eyes, mostly it was confusion and excitement. I wasn't sure if anybody heard it, but his voice was shaking lightly showing that he did feel a bit scared. His big hazel eyes were fixed on the camera and his smile was comforting like he was trying to calm his Dad down.

"They just want me to make sure that you won't go to the police and just listen to what they say. Then everything will end quietly and we will be back together as fast as possible." the young man spoke. My eyes wandered over to Dale Monroe, who was sitting in front of the monitor staring at his son with glassy eyes but a proud smile. Lisa and her husband Kyle were standing behind him, staring at it with worry. "It will be alright, Dad. I promise. Just make sure to feed Ace and it will be like some adventure we survived together." he chuckled and the monitor went black. I saw the confusion in Dale's eyes, as he was staring at the monitor in disbelief.

"Mr. Monroe is everything alright?" I asked him carefully bringing him back to reality. His head shot up, looking at me with a frown "I-, uh, he said something weird." he answered, scratching his neck and looking up at his ex-wife "Who is Ace?" he asked Lisa and she just shook her head looking as confused as all three parents "I don't know." Dale turned back to me and Dean "I don't know what he means with feeding Ace. I-, uh, we don't have pets or something..." he explained and I looked over at Dean who was giving Charlie a pointed look. She wrote the name Ace on the whiteboard and commented on it with a question mark. I knew they were thinking the same thing as me, Ben was a smart kid and he won't say anything without a reason.

"They wrote a message to the video." Kevin pointed out and sent our attention back to the monitor. Underneath the video was an address together with a mention of a time to show when they have to meet. Dale gasped as he was reading it "This is where I work..." he said, looking up at Dean. "Is there anything worth to kidnap on the thirty-fifth floor?" "Well, not that I would know about it. There are just offices for some communities" he said and we went back to confusion.

"Alright. The meeting is in two hours. Mr. Tran will take you with him to explain the plan to you step by step." Dean said to Dale, who was looking up at him like a lost puppy. We waited for Kevin to leave the room together with the parents before Dean nodded at Charlie "Come here," he said, "there is something I noticed." he pointed at the monitor, making us notice the time "The video was recorded at five twenty-three but arrived here eight minutes later." he said and Charlie started typing, knowing what Dean was meaning. I was, on the other hand, a bit confused and Dean noticed it so he explained "I know it is a video and it takes a bit. But no video which is that short takes eight minutes to arrive, unless-" "Unless something was the reason that they had no signal so they had to go somewhere where they had a signal." I continued and Dean smiled at me, proudly. Charlie was typing fastly "I'll find out from where this video got sent. I will filter the transmission tower and hope it will help us to find him." she said enthusiastically.

Dean tapped on my shoulder, nodding to the door "Come on. That will take some time. I want to talk to you for a second." he said to me and I followed him with fear in my heart. I didn't know why but my hands became all shaky and my mind went blurry. I followed Dean to an empty office, in which he made sure that no one could look inside. A thousand questions went through my mind, I was scared and I didn't even know why. It was Dean, I couldn't feel fear towards Dean.

"Are you alright?" he asked me and left me in shock. I was confused and glad at the same time. I smiled lazily at him and nodded, feeling cared for the moment. Dean looked at me with a serious look, his apple green eyes scanning my face and resting on my nose, which probably had dried blood on it.

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