Chapter 11 - A little bit of cliché won't hurt

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[A/N: This picture is not necessary for the story, but I kinda had the need to share it with you. It was an work I tried a few weeks ago with wax crayon and black ink. I tried it out to see if it's makable with four years old kids, so here he is: Castiel and his multicolored soul]

Castiel's PoV

"What the sweet hell is this?" I asked myself, the moment I found myself somewhere I recognized as my favorite place in Greece, but it seemed brighter and like behind a white veil.

I was on the top of a cliff, looking down and watching where the river flowed through the forest, melting into one big picture. All the different colors of autumn adoring the tops of the trees lighting the water of the river. At the end of the scenery, where I was pretty sure there were mountains, was all blurred and white like a not finished painting, which is waiting for it's color.

Anyway, it still was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Was I dead? 

"No you're not,my Honeybee" a familiar voice said softly. I opened my eyes, not feeling any scared but full of peace. My eyes widen the moment I looked into bright two colored eyes. 

My mother. So clear beside this blurred environment. 

Beautiful as always. Long curled raven hair, pale skin with freckles all over her feminine face and the characteristic two colored eyes of hers. The left one was green mixed with a light honey brown and the right one was an ice-blue. Her smile gentle and loving, a mix of Anna and Hannah's gentle smiles which was making me realize how much I missed it. 

"Baby, are you okay?" she asked, a laugh hiding behind her soft words. 

I coughed and shook myself out of my daze, choking on the words "Yeah, I- I am just surprised, that's all- Mom, you're beautiful." I said looking down at her face, getting in all of her particularities. She looked so healthy and so full of peace, like the last moments in her life never happen. Her cheeks and lips healthy rosy and her eyes sparkling with life.

She giggled softly, stepping closer and touching my face softly, so I leaned and melt into her touch "Oh, my Honeybee. Look at you, all beautiful yourself. Grew up so well." she said, brushing few strands of hair off my face, smiling when they fell back to place. 

"What happened, baby?" she eventually asked, worry in her voice and eyes.

I shrugged, sighed and looked down to the ground "Uriel."

"Does your father know, Castiel?" she sounded mad and I shrugged with a "Must be." holding back the anger, which was growing up my throat.

She shook her head, pulled me into a hug and leaned her face on my shoulder, while her arms were around my waist. My chin was resting on her head, noticing how soft her hair was. I leaned my arms around her shoulders, getting in the warmth I was feeling and missed.

"Listen to me, Honeybee. Your father doesn't know, he wouldn't allow that someone beats you into a comatose state. You have to inform him, I know that and I know him." she said, so sure that it broke my heart that I had to say the following words.

"You're dead for almost ten years, mom. People change... I haven't talked to him properly for five years now, he wasn't even at the party they organized for the welcome back-" I stopped half-sentenced, because this was the first time I talked about it. The first time I faced what was hurting me and not what is hurting the people around me. And all this because I have this woman in front of me, who was never judging and never saying anything bad about anyone. And on top of that, she was a loving mother and the wife of the big fish in the mafia scene.

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