Chapter 21 - The house in Toronto

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Dean's PoV

10 years later...

I was always thinking back on this day, always thinking of the day I don't just lost Charlie, but also lost Cas. After that, a lot of things happen, bad and creepy things actually. Charlie sent me a coded e-mail which had all the information about the work they had done. There were three clans involved in all this, the Steins, the Knights and the Princes. The Steins were the ones who were found dead, right after Charlie's death. This is all I will say about this. The Princes killed Meg, you remember? Cas' friend. It came out she was the daughter of one of the hitmen. And after they found out about her helping us, they killed her. Then one by one was found dead. The last one was Azazel Prince. Meg's father. He was the hitman who got paid by the Knights.

That's right. The Knights were the ones who wanted my family to be dead. And the reason was as stupid as them. My father arrested their leader, Lilith Knight. She got killed in the prison by some people she betrayed. Cain and Abaddon, her siblings, got angry at my father and actually planned to kill the whole family. Jokes on them, Dad got us out. Also, this two were found dead.

I had a suspicion who it could be but after the murder stopped, I hoped he will tell me himself. I thought Cas killed them all, but he never came to me and told me anything.

I waited and waited, time past by and even Gabriel disappeared. Sam looked for him everywhere, the Novaks didn't talk to him about anything anymore and one day they left. The house was empty like no one ever lived in there. Like the past was just a dream I finally woke up from.

The life went normally again. Sam and my chief, Aileen, fell for each other and after five or six years they got married. She got pregnant and this is how I became the new chief of my department. I positioned Garth and Benny in my unit and together with Kevin we are a team for three years now. Everything went into a normal lifestyle. Working, seeing my mom and Jo on weekends, going out for drinks with my friends and Sammy. Just living.

And then, one day when I was in my office, the phone rang. I picked it up without thinking "Chief Dean Winchester." I said and a man cleared his throat before he talked "Mr. Winchester, hello. My name is Richard Garrison, I am an executor," the man said and my eyes widen, listening to him as he continued "A client of mine told me to call you exactly five years after their death. When you open your email inbox, you'll find an email with a video." "Who was your client?" I asked, feeling how dry my throat got.


"My client said you won't recognize the name if I told you, so just open the email and you will find out sir." and that was all he said before he hung up. I got curious and worried at the same time, so I logged into my email account and opened the email which just popped up. I clicked on the play button and was surprised to see a woman's face in front of me. It took me a few seconds but I recognized her. Kelly Kline.

She looked tired, sick actually. But a huge smile was on her lips, while her eyes looked really sad. Behind her were a lot of bookshelves with a few pictures on it between all the books, but they were too far away to recognize.

"You must be really surprised to see my face, ain't you?" she asked and I smirked slightly because I was.

"I will get to the point quickly," she said, turning to a serious look, "I want to tell you that I am sorry, Dean," she said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, sorry? Why? "Because of me, you didn't see Castiel anymore," her eyes filled with tears, "And because of me he had to do unbelievable things, which are all written in his eyes, whenever he looks at me." I couldn't think anymore, what did she mean?

"You probably noticed that there was a lot of murder, after the incident with Charlie Bradbury," she said and I nodded, ignoring that she was just a video. "It started with Meg talking to her brother Tom. They fought and Tom died in an accident, while Meg tried to protect herself. Her family found out and killed her." she whined, "Castiel found out and went for revenge with his brother Gabriel. Gabriel killed two of them, their names were Dagon and Ramiel. But he got stopped and killed by one, his name was Asmodeus. Castiel killed that man and got caught by the eldest. His name was Azazel." I got goosebumps, hearing all this. Gabriel is dead...

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