Chapter 2 - Watch

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Castiel's PoV

[5 Years ago]

"If he won't come out in five minutes, he will die." Uriel says as we step down the stairs and make our way to the limousine, which is waiting for us. I opened my mouth to say something in protest, but Uriel cut me off as he opened the door of the black car and gestured with a nod to me to get in. 

Every other time I would ignore Uriel's nature, but not today. For some reason I don't want him to use his 'specialist' - skills, so I tried to distract him from the door. 

"Why should he come out?" I asked while I was making myself comfortable on the seat and felt how Uriel was staring at me, probably trying to figure out what my intentions are at this sudden interest in his 'work'. He opened his mouth to answer me, but a sudden sound which was coming from the Officer's apartment distracted him. He looked away and up to the front door, smirking a bit before he closed the car's door and stepped over to sit beside the driver. 

I leaned forward to the window to see what is up with that sound we heard and after I saw the Winchester came out, they started the motor and drove away. I could see the money in Dean's hand and I understood quickly why Uriel said that earlier. In that moment I was disappointed that the glass was darkened and that man couldn't see me waving or smiling to him.

I liked that man. He was funny, tough and really really attractive. And the absolute plus: he wasn't at all like all the cops we have to get in touch with. He had a good heart. I mean he took the envelope with my handwritten thanks and not the money? Who would do that? Well, not the cops I met 'til now, that's for sure. 

[Now - But a day ago]

"Mr. Novak?" I heard a soft voice saying my name as I felt a hand on my shoulder to wake me up. I opened my eyes and saw the blond stewardess looking at me with her big brown eyes "Sir. The captain told me to wake you up and tell you we will be in Sioux Falls in about an hour." she said and I smiled at her "Thank you." I said, feeling how dry my throat was. She smiled with a blush to me and disappeared to where ever. 

I yawned and stretched to wake my self up completely and looked out of the window, smiling as I remembered about what I was dreaming. I hope he is still there, this Officer Dean Winchester. 

After that night, I had to go to Greece. It's kinda complicated, but my father thought it was a good idea to learn about the past of our family and about what we do. All my siblings had to in the year they turned twenty. The past five years I learned how to manipulate Politician, Companies and become the one who everyone has owes to. How to make important personalities subordinate of you, like little dogs who would jump if you told them to. 

I studied the human way of thinking and acting, to read their posture and use it for my sake. It made me a great observer, I always was, but this formation made it even better. I am a professional in industry and commerce, I learned statistics and had to do unspeakable things. 

For everyone who still not understands, I had a five years training to become a great Mafia descendant.  And I hit that training in five years while my siblings needed at least eight to ten years, but my uncle Metatron over there said I am ready and my father allowed me to take the Jet and fly home. I am happy that I can go home, finally. It was lonely over there and frustrating, because I never forgot about this Officer.

After an hour we arrived in the Sioux Falls Airport. It was an eight hours flight and I really need some exercise after sitting so much. I let the responsible dudes take my stuff and jogged over to the entrance, seeing my older sister Anna leaning at a black Mercedes Maybach Class S (Yeah, Cars are kinda my thing since I was in Europe) and she was smiling at me brightly. I went over to her and got in one of her famed hugs. She wrapped her arms around my upper body and pressed me into her as close as she could. Meanwhile I grew up and was taller than her, which made me smile "Hello, Anna." I greeted her "Castiel, oh man you look like a model!" she joked and released herself from me. She looked up at me, while keeping her smile "And you are so tall. Taller than Gabe actually!" she praised. 

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