Chapter 9 - Hey, Brother

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Castiel's PoV

Three days left until the execution.

I woke up with Dean's arms wrapped around me, taking me in a tight embrace. I looked up to see Dean asleep, for the first time in the past few days. He always woke up earlier and was waiting for me, with a cup of coffee on the dining table. I smiled at his sight, being this close for the first time. My eyes wandered over his face, admiring every single part of it. The freckles, the pink full lips and the long eye lashes. I leaned closer to rest my face under his chin, taking in the scent of cheap motel soap and after shave. I closed my eyes to listen to his even breath, which symbolized that he was still sleeping. 

I didn't mind that I woke up in his arms, actually I really needed that. I am not the type who likes to hug people, or let them hug me. It just feels wrong to me, like it's an unnecessary interpersonal contact. But not with Dean, having his arms around me was like he was protecting me from the world, the feelings I felt and after the talk with John yesterday, I need this protection. 

My smile faded when I thought of the talk we had with John, he seemed so confused and angry, like we were wasting time with looking for his stupid book. He couldn't understand why we were asking this questions and he seemed also confused about the mention of the alarm, like he really couldn't remember.

After he threw us out we wanted to talk with James about it, but we couldn't. The visiting hours were over, so we had to wait for the next day.

My thoughts got interrupted by Dean's hand wandering down my back caressing slowly over the fabric of my shirt and resting then on the revealed skin of my hips, stroking then back up to my shoulder blades. I stiffened immediately in this touch, my eyes widened and checked Dean's face, making sure he is still sleeping. He was. 

I gulped the moment his other hand stroked down and rested on the lower part of my haunch. "Dean-" I winced and held down what ever voice tried to came out, when his leg stroked itself between my legs and against my morning boner. I gasped and tried to get out of this misery, but Dean's grip was strong and warm, almost feeling too good. I had just one chance to escape this and it was waking him up...

"Dean-" I tried to say loud enough, holding back the pant in my breath. He reacted with moving more, his head snuggling to the crook of my neck, warm lips caressing the skin. I tried to shake him awake "Dean, I'm not a pillow-" I gasped again, his hand stroking the bare skin of my back "Dean, please. Wake up" I whined, closing my eyes feeling the tears forming in them. I knew I couldn't hold back, the touches made my morning glory become a real hard-on and him touching me like that, wasn't really helpful. I didn't want to use the situation for selfish purposes, even if it felt so god damn good. I fought the desire to rub against it, waking him up and make what ever seemed to fill my lust.

"Deeean..." I groaned into his ear and the way his body tensed up and his grip loosened, showed me that he was awake. Finally. "I need to pee, Dean." I whined and "Oh," was what he answered, moving a bit away and making it possible for me to get up to walk to the bathroom, as fast as possible. I'm not sure if he realized what was happening, but I hope not...

The morning after that scene was quite tranquil. We made ourself ready in silence and took our time, cause our meeting with James was not before ten in the morning. I couldn't eat breakfast though, the Burgers and French fries we had yesterday still made me feel stuffed. 

"Do you want to tell James about or progress, or should I?" Dean asked me eventually when we were in the car, his eyes on the street. 'Livin' on a prayer by Bon Jovi' resounding through the car, mixed with the characteristic sound of his Impala. It calmed me down, made me notice how nervous I actually was. 

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