Chapter 22 - Reasons to live for

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Castiel's PoV

The sudden visit was not the thing which confused me at that time, more the reaction of Claire and Jack who were absolutely out of character in my opinion. After the situation calmed down for a bit and I made sure that Dean was back from his mental breakdown, I took my time to serve tea. When I came back to the living room I saw both of my children sitting across of the room staring at a slightly nervous and confused man sitting on our couch.

Dean looked up at me when I entered the circle of awkwardness and his green apple eyes light up with color again, screaming out their happiness to see me again.

The reason I wasn't mad at him was the truth in his face. Whenever he thought something it was shown on his expression first. And the moment our eyes met the first millisecond after ten years I saw the guilt and the anger about himself. The shock was all over his face like he just woke up from a never-ending nightmare.

"So," Jack started and everyone paid attention to the almost ten years old boy who was sitting there like he was my father, "who's that, dad?" he said and I smiled at the fact that he asked with ignoring Dean completely.

"I must apologize that the introduction went forgotten. Kids this is Dean Winchester. Dean, these are Claire and Jack-" "His son and his daughter." Jack commented and Claire rolled her eyes, she bowed a bit over and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear "Don't let him fool you, he knows the whole story but he calls him dad anyway, cause he feels like our dad." she explained. I smiled at Dean's understanding mimic. He smiled lazily at Jack "Nice to meet you guys."

Jack squinted at him for a few seconds and started again "So. What are you doing for the living, Mr.Winchester?" he asked and Claire leaned back and pulled out her phone in annoyance, seeming zero interested in a further conversation. I sat down beside Dean, feeling a bit awkward, but it faded immediately when Dean's hand touched mine briefly.

"I am a police officer," Dean answered shortly and Jack's eyes light up. It's important to know that Jack always wanted to be a policeman, to help people and solve crimes. I am waiting for the day where he realizes that being a policeman means a lot of paperwork. "Prove it," he said and Dean pulled out his brand to show it to my son. Jack jumped up and grabbed the black leather and his eyes were reading the words.

"You're a chief!" he gasped and my eyes moved quickly to Dean who smiled lazily. "Yeah," he said, "for a few years now," he explained and squinted over at me. I was happy for him, he was a chief and this was what he always wanted, right?

Dean looked back at Jack and cleared his throat "Can I talk to your father for a bit?" "When I can play with that?" Jack asked, waving with the brand and Dean smiled with a nod "Sure. If you won't do anything stupid with it?" Jack smiled with a bright grin and ran out the living room, up the stairs into his room.

I looked at Claire who was already away in the world wide web. "Claire, may you do me a favor and look out for him?" her eyes looked up at me and a smile hushed over her lips "Sure, but you have to look out too. Here are kids in the house." she said and I jumped in embarrassment. She giggled as she stood up and passed us, leaving a kiss on my head before she left the room.

My eyes wandered back to Dean, my face feeling like it was burning. Dean's eyes were scanning me. My face, my hands, my clothes, and my hair. His expression was soft, also hurt and confused. He wanted to know how and when and why I saw it in his eyes. I tried to smile, but it just came out weakly.

"You're a chief now." I said in the matter of fact and Dean nodded, looking down to his hands as he started "For three years now. They gave me a lot of chances to become a chief in Minnesota or Illinois, but-" he got quiet and squinted over at me. A lazy smile appeared on his face, but it vanished into something more saddening and hurt "I heard about Meg and Gabe..." he said, almost inaudible, "I am sorry."

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