Chapter 8 - The man without blame

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Dean's PoV

Five days left until the execution.

"Okay, guys. That's what I found out-" Charlie's voice resounded through our Motel-room. I was sitting on the dining table with the phone in front of me on free speaker, all the folders distributed on the table. I tried to keep my eyes down, so I don't have to look over at Cas who was walking around -shirtless by the way. He just came out of the bathroom and was drying his wet hair with his towel. 

In this moment I was so glad, that Charlie couldn't see my face because  I bet I was as red as a tomato in that situation.

"- Charlotte Reese's ex-boyfriend, Max Henning. Twenty-eight years old. Actually unemployed but a learned carpenter. At the moment he is living in his mother's house, who has a Alzheimer's disease, to take care of her and her daily responsibilities... aw..." she said, at first professionally and then commenting it with her innocence. 

"Charles, can you check his criminal record?" Castiel asked, leaning on the table and finally wearing his white button up shirt -still almost naked to me. 

Memories of our first night in the same bed filling my mind, the way Cas snuggled his arms around me after he fell asleep, even when he tried not to step inside my personal space when he was awake. Cas tried to sleep on the couch, but I could make him to sleep with me in the bed. It was cute to observe, he tried to stay as far as possible, but when he closed his eyes, falling clearly asleep and his breath becoming evenly, he turned immediately into my arms, snuggling himself at my chest. When I tried to escape his grip heavyhearted, he snuggled into my arms even closer, his eyebrows bracing  and his grip tighten into my shirt. At the moment I decided to give up and lend my arms around him into an embrace, his face relaxed and his face reaching into the crook of my neck.

I stayed like that the whole night, how could it be possible for someone to lay like that with a person, who makes your heart bump way too fast and relax into sleep. Well, for some people it could be easy, but not for me. I couldn't sleep, it wasn't possible and I was awake the whole fucking night, memorizing every feature of the raven haired man in my arms. In the morning I escaped myself from his grip and went to the bathroom, to 'get ready'.

Since then I had three cups of coffee.

While I watched Cas -observing his thinking mimic, we heard Charlie's fast typing on the keyboard, which bought me back to reality. The blue eyes of the younger man wandered down to meet mine and I immediately looked away, pretending to look down at the folder. Feeling my heart pounding in my chest and making me shifting in my seat in nervousness, proving how weak I became.

"Yeah, nothing really serious. Shoplifting in twenty-four-shops and pickpocketing on events. " she informed us. Castiel nodded and I could see his brain working, reading his eyes which were wandering over the folders on the table "Was he ever violent in any way?" Cas asked and Charlie sighed soundly "No, nothing violent. Not even fighting the arresting or being involved in bar fights." "Interesting. The pictures of the crime scene seemed so disorganized without any control, it didn't fit in the picture that the potential killer has such a self control, to not stand out or attract attention with his possible violent behavior." Castiel commented and I couldn't help but smile at his police-worthy look. But he was right, the way Max Henning has such a self control didn't fit to the chaos at the crime scene. It's disorganized, like Cas said, almost infantile and like someone went berserk. It just didn't fit in Max Henning's police report.

"Can you send us his address?" I asked her, bowing down to my phone out of thinking, watching Cas leaving the table to get his tie and tie it up. 

"It's already on your phones." she sang, letting us hear a final tap on her keyboard. 

"Thanks, Charles." Cas said in the room, looking down at his tie and struggling with the knot. I smirked, while watching this scene and spoke my goodbyes too "Thank you, Bradbury."

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