Chapter 3 - Welcome back!

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Castiel's PoV

It's quite late right now. 

I went out to the veranda to take a break of all those fake people who pretend to know me. Our house is filled with people of all the high mafiosi families like the McLouds, the Steins, the Masters or the Knights. Some of them even called me 'Casandriel' like 'Hey, we don't care about you, but we are damn scared of your father. So we try to give you a name and pretend we are interested in you'.

I sighed rubbing my forehead in stress before I heard someone coming out. It was that maid, Tessa. She seemed surprised seeing me here outside.

"What is it, Tessa?" I asked her, smirking at her tensed up posture.

"Uhm, I wasn't expecting someone here" she said, lowering her glare down to her shoes.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Madame Hester. I know she can be a witch sometimes. Come here. Take a break" I invited her. It's not like I actually care, I just don't want her to go inside and answer the question about where I left. 

Tessa looked up at me, her expression relaxed and a smile adorning her face. She came and leaned on the wood beside me. We both stood there in silence before she opened her mouth, why do people feel uncomfortable in silence? 

"Won't you come inside?" she asked and I sighed, giving her a smile while shaking my head no.

"You know what, you go inside. I'll go somewhere else" I started and she interrupted me with a silent "But". I sighed inwardly "No one will care. Just let them celebrate, you know nothing" I warned and she just nodded. Good for her. 

I watched her going inside, before I walked around the house to the front yard. There were people everywhere, but no one actually noticed me. Wow.

After I passed the front gate, I looked back one more time to make sure no one noticed me and when it seemed like no one actually observed, I made my way down the streets.

I didn't know where to go and suddenly I thought of that bar, diner or restaurant from yesterday. What was it's name again? Road- land, room, hou- house. Roadhouse. The name snapped through my memory quickly, remembering how comfortable I was there. Well, okay. I'll hide in the Roadhouse.


It was a thirty minutes march before I arrived. I had to walk, because I couldn't ask my driver to pick me up 'cause my whole family would know where I was then.

I opened the door of the building, a bell ringing through my hearing and the smell of beer and burgers through my nose. I shook myself when I made my way to the counter and sat down on the bar chair, noticing the blond waitress from yesterday.

She turned to greet me, her eyes went wide for a second and symbolized that she recognized me. A smile hushed over her lips and let the surprise vanish off her face. 

"Castiel." she greeted me and I smirked about the fact that she remembered my name. Okay, well who wouldn't.

"Joanna, hello." I said with a nod. Seeing her positive reaction for the fact I know her name either.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, wiping the glasses in her hands with a dry cloth and leaning on the counter to be more comfortable. 

"Missed the silence, to  be honest." I said. I noticed the bowl with snacks beside me, so I shoved them closer to pick my favorites out of them. 

"Silence? Isn't it silent in the big house you life in?" she asked teasing. I raised a brow and watched her. She decided to look at me and her smile disappeared off her happy smile, before she mouthed "Sorry." 

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