Chapter 19 - What goes around, comes around

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Dean's PoV

I haven't see Cas for two weeks now, two weeks of worry in which I didn't know why he disappeared like that. In one night he suddenly was gone, no message, no note, not even a quick goodbye. I asked Sam if he heard something about Gabriel since it could be something in the family, but Sam just said that I should wait for Cas to tell me and that he couldn't just talk about something he wasn't really part of. Of course, that pissed me off but when you think about it, it's true. Gabriel would be mad at him for telling me stuff I am not supposed to know, otherwise I would have been involved already.

My unit got a free week since we got a new Captain. The new captain just saw that my team and I didn't have free time in like forever? So we got a free week until they cleared some paper works. Zachariah disappeared while our kidnappers-case, no one knows where he is but he is on the missing-list, without being really missed I guess. We got a new captain, a woman. Her name is Eileen Leahy and she was a really impressive woman. She was not older than me, actually two years younger than Sammy, but she fought her way to become a Captain, the youngest in the history of Sioux Falls. Her story was known in every department, her parents died in an explosion of their apartments because of some idiots which were cooking meth in theirs. Eileen was found while some first aid personnel was in place, she was screaming loudly, her parents around her safely. She was a baby back then and medical examinations said that her hearing got harassed because of the loud of the explosion and since then she had a hearing impairment but this didn't stop her in any way. She got adopted by a wonderful woman, got raised to a tough woman who wanted to be a police officer. She was fluent in sign language and someday she was able to talk with the help of a hearing aid. She studied and nailed every class with a flush A, was everyone's idol and the best thing was, she was sympathetic and funny. She never looked down on anyone.

I really was looking forward to work with her.

My free week I used to help my mom in her Diner since I haven't seen them for like two month.

"So, how is it going with Cas?" Jo asked me in a free minute in which every guest was served. I was cleaning the counter while I threw her a face, done "Haven't seen him in two weeks." I said, looking back at the counter. Jo took a piece of garlic-buttered bread and ate it, leaning on the counter and throwing a worried  glance at me "What?" I breathed out, rolling my eyes and looking back at her. She gulped down the bit and smiled lazily "You know, Dean. I don't want you to be mad at him,-" "Did Balthazar tell you what happened?" she nodded, looking down at her hands "You know that I am his therapist. He drinks a lot and the only one who can handle his behaviors when he is drunk is me." she sighed and looked up at me "I don't think he meant to tell me all these things. I mean he opened up about a lot of things which contained his family, like the death of his mother when we were in high school and a lot of more things."

She took a deep breath like she was holding something back. I was mad, mad at Cas' asshole of an older brother, who was oppressing his shit on my sister's shoulder and all in all of the situation of people around me knowing more about Cas' life than me, I mean we were in a relationship, right?
Before I could have deepened in those thoughts Jo just continued talking "Dean, Cas is going through something in which he has to be ready to tell you. Because I am pretty sure he didn't already since you are more mad than worried." My face softened and worry build in my stomach. What happened to Cas, is he in a hospital again? did something happen to his family? I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck "Okay, uh, I will take the day off for today" I mumbled and Jo smiled at me sweetly "Good idea, go and walk around a bit. It will clear your mind," she said softly. I kissed the top of her head and went out of the Diner grabbing my leather jacket on the way, to do exactly what she told me. Walking around and cleaning my thoughts.

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