Chapter 6 - Last chance

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[A/N: Drawing by me :D]

Dean's PoV

It has been two weeks the last time I saw Cas. It should be good right? Not seeing him, means no murder in my town. The first week without him was really stressful, though.

Our investigation and research indicated, that Mr. Smith was the one who talked to Mrs. Ryan, pretended to be a detective and found out about the significant details of the case. So we had the justified suspicion, that Mr. Smith is responsible for Robert Evans' death. When we went to their house to question him, they weren't there. The house was empty, the family gone, like really really gone. There wasn't any hints on where they went or where they are going. We really searched for any indications of where they possibly went, called friends and known family members. But there's nothing, no hints, just a big empty and helpless piss of nothing. So we had to let the case fall and stop looking for them, vainly. There is no place for self justice and I would do everything to understand how they could disappear.

But for now, I have to drop this thoughts. Today is my birthday and my brother, Sammy, took a break for a week to celebrate it with me. He was in town anyways, to follow his mentor in his prosecution and get a first insight in the work with cases and the whole cooperations.

I was on my way home, because no murder means the end of the working day is at five. I stopped at the parking lot of my favorite bakery to get myself a pie, 'cause I deserve it. Love me some pie.

I went inside the bakery, straight walking to the vendor. I stopped halfway when I noticed a raven haired man on a table, sitting alone and nipping on a white cup with probably coffee. I tried to keep back my smile, which was sneaking into my mimic and showed my excitement of seeing him again.

I shook myself and put a more serious look on my face, before I slit into the seat in front of him. He was so surprised to see me, that he choked on the sip of coffee he was taking and coughed for air, while patting his chest.

"Hello, Dean" he said after he caught his breath. Cas took a napkin to dry the corner of his mouth, making me want to bow over and take in the taste of coffee from his lips.

"Hey, Cas. How have you been? Long time no see" I said, licking my bottom lip and then smiling at him.

"Oh, I'm good. And it seems like so do you. It's your birthday today, right?" he said and I felt the heat climbing up to my ears. How does he know? "Charlie told me, yesterday." Can he read my mind?! "Don't bother, I keep my skills out of your dark mind."

"Okay, stop this!" I said panicking and I saw his shoulders twitching of the laughter he was holding back "So, you met Charlie?" I asked carefully, taking his cup and sip at the hot coffee. Ignoring that his lips already touched the place my lips were wrapping.

"We meet each other everyday for brunch and talk on the phone, when her shift is over. We kinda talk about the day, so I am still informed." he said, taking the cup out of my grip.

I nodded "Why don't you call me and ask for news?" I said with a smirk. He lowered his bright blue eyes and looked down to the cup in his hand, trying to hold back the smile on his face, vainly. Because I noticed it.

"I- I don't know." he stuttered, looking everywhere but at me. That made me smile, I like it to see him getting all flustered.

"Well, then feel free to call me everyday when you're not there for a case." I offered, leaning forward and making him look at me.

We looked at each other, what felt like a few milliseconds. But I'm sure it was longer.

"Who's that model." a female voice interrupted our moment. I groaned internally and looked up, to see who's that interrupting dickhead. It was a short woman, dyed dirty blond hair, a round face and big brown eyes. She was wearing a brown leather jacket on a black knee long flower dress and leather boots. She looked just breathtaking, okay?

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