Chapter 23 - Three days

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Dean's PoV

It was the early evening when I was in the car with Cas and Jack on their way to Claire's high school. Jack was an interesting kid, he liked to talk about his experiences of the day without hesitation. It amazed me, really.

"And then Clark let me try one of his bars and Dad, guess what!" He said enthusiastically and when I squinted over at Cas I saw a happy smirk on his lips answering the blond boy with a "What?"

I saw Jack looking out of the window in the rearview, smiling to himself "I like nougat." he pointed out and I chuckled. Cas seemed to notice it because his playful shove with his hand pulled me out of my thoughts. I don't remember what I was thinking, but it made me feel happy.

Eventually, we arrived at the parking lot of the high school seeing Claire and her friend already waiting there for us. When we climbed out of the car, Claire and Diyah already were on the trunk to take out the pies for the festival.

"You're late," Claire stated and Cas immediately wrapped his arms around her, leaning his weight on her to struggle. "Get off of me you fat ass!" "Shut up, assbutt." they fought, while Diyah, Jack and I carried the pies, the kids not seeming like this was an unusual scene. I didn't realize it but while I was watching them I felt something warm inside me, something more than love close to a dream which finally came true. I was lost in my thoughts while I was watching the two of them. I shook myself awake when I met Cas eyes. He smiled at me playfully, no worries and the sadness which was always in his eyes was like vanished with the time. I remembered how he always smiled but with this hint of sadness in his eyes. But now his eyes were shining, the blue as deep as the ocean and the sky in one.

"Dean?" I heard Jack's voice and paid my attention immediately down to the blond boy who was looking at me with big eyes. Once again I was amazed by how alike he and Cas actually looked. He seemed like a blond Castiel, his face and eyes a clear look alike.

"What's up, buddy?" I asked him and he smiled slightly "I was about to ask you if you're alright." he answered and I stroked through his hair, messing with his it "I'm fine, come on. " I said and we all went inside to have fun at this festival.


When we left and went home I had to carry Jack up into his room because he fell asleep in the car. I didn't bother to take off his clothes since it would wake him up anyway. I put him carefully in his bed and lend the blanket over him. When I turned to leave I couldn't go more than a step because something held the fabric of my shirt. I slowly turned to look at him and saw him squinting up at me. I couldn't describe why, but he seemed so sad so I bowed down to sit in front of his bed.

"Hey buddy, you look like you want to say something" I whispered, noticing how his tiny fingers still were grabbing my shirt. "Do you hate us?" he whispered back and shock was written all over my face.

"No, Jack. Why would you think that?" I asked him, not really knowing what to do exactly. I saw his eyes piercing through me, blue, tired and glassy.

"Mommy said that we stole Dad from you. That there was someone he loved more than Mommy, but left them for us because he promised," he whispered almost not audible.

My hand went automatically to his head, stroking softly through his hair, "No, Buddy. He didn't stay because he promised. He stayed because he loved you and your Mom so much, he didn't want to leave you alone and be there for you." I answered.

"But don't you hate us for that?" he asked, a bit louder.

"No. Jack, I don't hate you for something you didn't even decide. I don't hate Cas either, because he chose wisely and did the right thing. You deserve a father like him, someone who loves you and your mother. Don't ever feel bad for a good thing in your life. Be thankful." I tried to make him feel better and owned a small smile and a nod before he said "I am happy that Dad finally is the one to get what he deserves." were his words before he let go of my shirt and closed his eyes. I kept sitting there, kinda shocked of what he was carrying with himself. He really thought I hate them for stealing Cas from me. God, I was happy that he wasn't dead.

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