Chapter 15 - Something you would die for

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[A/N: I love digital painting. Was a pain in the ass for staring at Misha's face for more than 4 hours straight, but worth it. Hope you like it]

Dean's POV

"Dean! Dean, wake up. Wake up, Dean!" Castiel's voice chimed and I jumped up from my sleep, looking around with wide eyes "What's happening?" I asked, my eyes wandering around the room, checking if there is something wrong.

Cas was standing in the door frame, already dressed and ready, he couldn't stand still and had a smile on his lips.

"Listen, we have to go to the Arrowhead Park. Now." he ordered. I let myself fall back and buried my head in the pillows, groaning loud "Listen, I didn't even had my coffee yet" I mumbled into the fabric. I felt the bed shift behind me and something heavy getting on me. It was Cas who laid down on me "Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup-" "How old are you?!" I interrupted and turned underneath him, he chuckled and shook me "Come on. I made coffee. It's important to get up now." He insisted and I pushed myself up on my arms, making him back off and sit on my lap.

My eyes wandered over his face, he obviously just woke up himself and took a shower. Outgoing from his super messed hair and the scent of soap and minted toothpaste. It reminded me of the week in Sioux City, in which he woke up in the morning, took a shower and didn't bother to straighten his hair. I always wondered why he had his hair straightened the first time I saw him back in town. I compared it every time I saw his messy sex hair, but felt blessed anyway. I mean look at him, this hair will be my death.

I leaned forward to press my lips on his, but he jumped off my lap and walked over to the door. Disappointment build up inside me when I was about to let myself fall back to handle that rejection. But Cas just threw a pair of clothes at me, making me sit up again and groan in distress.

I didn't even knew what time it was and he was already full of power, that it made me wanna grab him and stuff him back into the bed to force him into sleep.

However I managed to put on some clothes, after I went into the bathroom to get ready. When I eventually arrived in the kitchen, Cas was already standing there with a thermos on the counter with obviously coffee for me.

He was smiling brightly, seeing me dressed and ready for what ever he planed in his evil little mind.

"Come on, I'll drive." he said and I raised an eyebrow at him. My baby? He wants to drive her? Hell no.

"We will take your police car, Winchester. No one will touch your most loved vehicle." he answered my thoughts and I smiled happily. Walking over and pressing a kiss on his temple, while grabbing the thermos with my life saving liquid in it.

The drive was quiet, as I liked it. Drinking my coffee and finished it the moment we arrived at the Perry Nature Area. Cas parked the car and we made our way out of the vehicle and started walking to the crime scene.

While we were walking I glanced over to Cas, every now and then I could observe how he had this far-away-look on his face, like something was bothering him. To be honest it was worrying me and midway I decided to ask him "Hey," I started "I kinda noticed that you're down since your talk with your brother and-" "Dean-" "No, let me finish." I interrupted his interruption and looked down at him, smiling slightly. He nodded and I continued "and I am here if you want to talk." I said. His eyes went wide, like he didn't expect me to say this kind of thing, leaving me in wonder.

He stopped suddenly, pushing his hands in the pockets of his Trenchcoat. Looking down on the ground of the forest. I noticed how he bit down his bottom lip, how his eyes were shaking over the ground, clearly figuring out if he should tell me, if he could trust me. I felt hurt by this thought, thinking of Cas not trusting me and couldn't open his mind to me, thoughts and questions counted in my mind, would he tell Charlie? Would he talk to Sammy? Would he trust Meg more than me?

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