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Jack's PoV

It was a year ago when Dean and Dad decided to move in together. I am 10 years old and not an idiot. I knew why Dean was there in first place, Mom told me everything on the tape and well, how should I put it in words? I ship it.

Dean and Dad were a perfect match. Dad took care of all the serious things, like school, my after school activities and homework. Dean took care of the fun things, like teaching me how I repair a motor and how to clean it. He moved to the Toronto department in the homicide unit and is the captain there. It's nice because sometimes he lets me visit him and if he is on the turn for not too dangerous cases I am allowed to go with him.

He takes his relationship with Claire and Me really serious. I mean, whenever Dad has a long shift, Dean is alone with us. He doesn't seem to be really nervous about that, he has ideas of fun things to do. For example, we go and play mini golf or go and try out new pizza shops, just to say we won't go there anymore. Sometimes his ideas are movie nights or cooking together, in which we make the living room to our own cinema and watch superhero movies or try out new recipes of pies. Dean loves pies.

He is really like another father and Claire feels the same way. He makes Dad happy because since he is with us Dad's smile seems real and it makes us happy too.

It was hard to explain the relationship between Dad and Dean because all my teachers didn't believe me. They thought I am lying, probably because they had a crush on Dean or Dad.

In that year, we became a real family. I always had fears of forgetting Mom, but Dad and Dean always talk about her. Dad mentions what she liked to eat or anniversaries of stupid things, like 5 years ago on that and that day she tried out Sushi for the first time. Dean always smiles whenever we talk about Mom. It doesn't even seem like a fake smile, he really enjoyed it to listen to our stories and this made me like him more and more.


"Hey, Buddy. Wake up" I heard Dean's voice but refused to open my eyes. Even as he pulled the blanket from me I kept pretending to be asleep. Suddenly, he grabbed my feet and pulled me up, my legs on his shoulders and me upside down. He started jumping around my room shouting "Come on! Come on! Wake up!" which made me laugh.

I shouted back "Let me down! I wanna sleep!" but he kept shaking me awake. He even walked down the stairs with me on his back, to let me fall slowly on the couch. I kept laying there, not bothering to look up at him but all he did was sitting down at me "Oh, Jesus! Get down from me you fat old stinky man!" I tried to get out of there but all he did was laying down on me completely "Oh, noooo! Suddenly, I feel tired too." he said slowly and I managed to turn around and hit him on his head, of course not too hard "No, you're not. You big liar!"

Dean started laughing and got off from me, helping me up. I looked at the Dining room to see Claire and Dad looking at us in amusement.

"You betrayed me!" I shouted at them and Dad pretended to seem shocked by what I said, over dramatically putting his hand on his chest and his mouth wide "My own son is saying something this mean to me, " and pretended to cry. Claire shrugged and put the spoon full of cornflakes into her mouth "Nah, I betrayed you. I don't want to deal on my own with our cousins." I groaned before I sat down beside her, pouting at Dad and Dean, who followed to the dining table.

"Kids, today your uncle will come with the kids and his wife. You like them, don't pretend otherwise or Dean will get sad" Dad said and Dean chuckled "I don't want to see the troublemakers either" "Pssst!" Dad ordered and we all chuckled.

The uncle we meant was Sam and his wife Aileen. They have two kids, Gabriel who is like six years old and a really annoying little brat and his younger sister Megan, who is two and as annoying as him. We met them when Dean moved in with us and since then we have a weekend in the month were we spent it together. To be honest, actually its really fun.

We ate with making jokes and discussing the plans for the weekend until Uncle Sam and Aunt Aileen would come for the visit.

Finally, we were like a real family.

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