Chapter 20 - Cry Blue Murder

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Dean's PoV

I was watching how some people carried Charlie away, in watch of Gabriel and my own brother. The people rushed around and passed me, avoiding to talk to me or to look me into the eyes. The time passed slowly when Castiel and I were standing there alone.

His hands were full of blood from the first aid he gave Meg and he too was avoiding to cross my eyes with his own. There was silence as we were standing on the steps of the house. The sound of the crickets around us, let me notice the time and the fact that the sun was already rising.

The past few hours were flashing in my mind and I was left confused. Turning my head slowly to look at Cas, I saw how he was biting on his lower lip, his eyes fixed on nowhere. I was raging on the inside, I wanted to know what was happening and so I cracked "So, do you wanna tell me why I lost one of the persons I love the most and you were the last person she wanted to talk to?" I almost shouted and Cas twitched like a little kid. His hands were balled into fists and his eyes were fixed on the ground. I grabbed his shoulders harshly and turned him in a fast move, looking into his eyes and when he finally looked up at me I took away my hand from his shoulders.

I was so angry, so confused and disgusted. I didn't care about Gabriel and my brother not asking questions. I wanted to know how Cas knew where she was, how he could make everything pass silent and how he managed to stay so cool when he saw her dead in the bathtub.

My eyes filled with tears when I started to shout "My little sister was just dragged out of a house I never knew it existed. She was covered in wounds who caused her death and her blood is all over my hands! She was on the phone, scared and saying she can't give those assholes what they wanted." Cas gulped, watching me shouting and causing me to scream louder "Why is she dead? What did they want, Castiel?" I was shouting so loud my throat hurt so bad like it was about to etch.

"She was hiding information of a case." he murmured, his eyes wandering down to his feet.

"What case?!" I shouted and he twitched, pinching his eyes closed and answered with "Your parents' case." It was the moment I lost it and punched him in the face. He didn't dodge away, he pocketed it. Took the following punches and it made me angrier. I saw red and felt the punches I was throwing, wounding my own knuckles. Cas took them all. I told him not to touch the case, I told him not to open wounds and he did. And the top of all he included the woman I saw as a little sister and my brother. He put all in danger for some son of a bitch of a case I don't even care about anymore.

Eventually, I came back to reality and grabbed the collar of his trenchcoat. I let him be part of my life and this is how he thanked me? Putting my family in danger and causing one of them to die?

"Who do you think you are?" I growled, watching him trying to open his eyes. His face was already covered in blood and wounds, but the worst part is: it didn't touch my heart in any way. Castiel took a deep breath, looking into my eyes as his hand was wandering to grab mine.

"I,-" he started, "I wanted to help. I wanted the people who hurt you to take responsibility. I lost so much because I wanted to protect you, I gave so much to be with you, Dean." he murmured and I let go of him with a fast move, throwing him to the ground. I didn't know how but his word made me angrier. He fell to the ground, sitting on the dirt with his eyes lowered, not daring to look up at me before he continued to talk "I am able to look inside you," he said, "I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. I- I wanted to do something for you-" "No, Castiel." I interrupted his bullshit, seeing him twitching at my voice "You did it for yourself."

He looked up to me quickly, his eyes wide "Dean, I did it for you," he said and tried to get up, the pain all over his face, "I put everything I have in danger for you. I turned my back to my family, I lost so much and it was all worth it, cause I-" "I never asked you to."

I interrupted him and I saw how the blue faded off his eyes and turned to gray

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I interrupted him and I saw how the blue faded off his eyes and turned to gray. He was staring at me with a lost look and I continued "I told you not to get too close to this case and now because you didn't what I said, Charlie died," his eyes filled with tears "I didn't ask you to. Hell, it has nothing to do with you at all. Who are you? Huh? Who do you think you are for thinking we are close enough to involve everyone who matters to me in something dangerous?" "I-" "My boyfriend?" I laughed coldly "No. My boyfriend won't put my family in danger." I pushed him and he stepped back, his colorless eyes watching every of my move, "What did you give? Huh? What did you lose? Charlie? You didn't even know her as much as I did! You don't even know what she went through. The only family she had was us and now she is dead, are you happy?" I said, pushing him over and over again.

We reached the point where I was talking, while Cas was just taking everything in quietly, until I couldn't bare it anymore.

I turned around and left him sitting there, in the dirt. All by himself.

[A/N: I'm sorry for this really short chapter. But the next one will be longer, I promise. Also, I will jump a bit into the future because I want the story to get going...]

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