Chapter 12 - Beginnings

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[A/N: DWaywardSis told me to add my drawing of Destiel to this chapter. So here you go!]

Dean's PoV

Three days later I could finally open my front door for Cas. The past few days he was under observe in the hospital and I went there everyday before and after work, to keep him in company. I felt like I missed a lot of things I should have known, beside the fact that he was there for ten days without my knowledge.

Every time my brother, Charlie, Meg or his brother were there, I realized that I almost knew nothing about Cas in general. I mean, my brother knew that Cas likes cheeseburgers with sweet potato fries the most, Meg knew about his love for the books of Hemingway and Charlie was quoting Friends scenes with him. Every time I had to watch this, I felt miserable. I was supposed to know this all from first hand and this is why I promised myself to learn more about him.

Obviously Cas never had a problem about this kind of things, he was better in knowing about others than me. He knew about my father's whiskey, he knew whenever I felt uncomfortable and he knew about my morning rituals, like black coffee and silence. Whenever I visited him in the morning, there was a cup of black coffee ready and no one was allowed to get into the room, until the hour of silence was over. Meanwhile he was reading the book Meg brought him.

It was a great routine, of course this were just three days, but it was something to get used to.

I helped Cas with the bags, which Gabriel brought him to the hospital to change into normal clothes. Well, for others it was a normal outfit, but for me it was the first time seeing him without a black suit and his trenchcoat. He was wearing dark jeans, a dark green t-shirt and a dark red hooded cardigan. It was casual, but he looked good in something new.

The moment we stepped inside, I put the bags beside the door, before I closed and locked the front door "Sam and I arranged that you'll have his room, while you stay here." I told him. Sammy was going back to Stanford, to hand a few papers to his professor and give them a few journals about the first month working with Gabriel.

He won't be back for a few weeks and after he will be back, he said he would rent his own apartment, which was closer to Gabriel's law firm. I wasn't consent to this, but I gave up to fight his plans.

The moment I looked up from the bags, I saw Cas standing in front of me, just a few inches away and watching me closely. His eyes were adoring my whole face, like it was a puzzle he was to solve. There was no personal space left.

I swallowed hardly and couldn't help but return the gaze, until his scanning expression changed into a smile.

I shook my head in a asking matter and he understood, not needing any words "You were thinking of Sam." he said and stepped away "You miss him already, right?" he chuckled, while walking into the the living room. He let himself fall on the couch and let out a muffled noise.

I smiled to myself, shaking my head and followed him. I leaned on the couch and looked down at him, leaning on my elbows for support "Do you know what I like about you?" I asked softly, watching him turn around on his back to look up at me. I took a deep breath, before I continued "That I don't have to talk too much in front of you-" I let out a shaky laugh "I always had problems with verbalizing my emotions or at least show them deliberately." Cas smiled slowly and pushed himself up, so his face was on the same level as mine. I felt the heat raising in my cheeks, but I made no move to get away from the sudden closeness. So close that I was able to smell his typical scent, which was a mixture of cinnamon and watermelon.

Castiel's eyes wandered over my face before he took a deep breath and sighed "You know, it's funny that you're saying this. The first thing I ever noticed about you, was that you're such a stable man and speaking with your body. I don't need your words to tell me what you feel or think" he moved closer with a smile and his eyes on my lips "And the way you react to things tell me enough about you, so I don't have to interview you" my eyes wandered down to his lips, leaning closer to and my eyes flattered closed. I expected his lips on mine, the gap closed and his warmth around me, all I got was me meeting space and stopping myself from falling over at the couch.

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