Chapter 4 - A consultant?

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Dean's PoV

The next day.

After Cas left the Roadhouse yesterday, I found myself thinking about him all the time. Jo seemed to like him too. She said he is quite the shy type who pretends to be so tough and manly. I smirked at her comment, because that's kinda true. When we first met he was that shy boy, who was kinda social awkward. I liked it how little things made him smile or even heat his face into a blush.

This were my thoughts on my way to my department. I parked my Baby behind the building and went to the entrance. On my way I gave some other officers my greetings, trying to ignore that my face was burning from the absence of heat.

Finally I was able to enter the building, the warmth slowly coming back to my body. How is it possible to lose the bodyheat so fast? I was literally wearing five layers of clothes!
I shook myself and went to the elevator.

"DEAN!" a voice resounded through the hall. I looked over and saw Garth Fitzgerald. The other captain of another Team. They are specialized with the cases of missed persons or discontinued cases, called cold cases by the way. They are pretty good at finding out the truth and are great in empathizing with the victim's families. Their rate is at 95% of all cases they worked at and solved.

"Morning, Garth." I greeted him, luckily avoiding a hug by this man with turning to the side.

"How are you, Dean?" He asked.

"'m fine. How about you? New case?" I asked, after noticing a thick file in his hand. He smiled at me his Sunday-morning-smile and nodded "Yeah. It's about that woman what disappeared five years ago, Christina Evans and well, after a few days it got discontinued... the officer wrote that she 'probably' left her husband. Because she did it once or twice before she got the twins. The file says that she has some problems with drugs and stuff. Her mother was here yesterday, said we have to check on the case again. She hung at the fact that her daughter won't ever leave her daughters behind, no matter what past she had." He explained, while the doors of the elevator opened and closed, with us stepped inside.

I nodded in understanding, pressing the buttons for our floors "That sounds like something every mom would say." I said and he laughed quietly "Probably," he started "but I told them I will work on that. Benny and Adam will help me on this one. Because this is a lot of paperwork. The officer was really diligent." He said laughing, stress in his voice.

A ringing sounded and symbolized the first stop, my floor.

"Well, good luck on this one. If you need a new perspective, you know where to find me" I said smiling at him and he nodded, with his grin "Thanks, Dean." he said, before the doors closed.

I walked over to my place, seeing Kevin and Charlie already sitting on their desks and talking.

"Morning." I greeted them and both smiled at me, while watching me sit down on my desk.

"Morning, Sir." Kevin said. "Morning, Deanie Weanie" Charlie joked, making me look at her with a raised brow. She just shrugged it away and pointed at our chief's office "Zack got a visitor. And he was scared of him." she said laughing.

"What visitor?" I asked, she got my attention on this one.

"I don't really know, but he was a good looking young dude. Not seeming scary at all. I wonder who he is" she said and I saw an evil grin on her lips.

"Probably someone from the top of hierarchy." Kevin commented.

"Why do you think that?" Charlie asked and Kevin shrugged, like the answer is obvious "Zachariah is never scared of someone. Nervous around the faculty, sure. But the only reason to be scared is politics." He explained, looking down on his desk and reading through some papers.

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