Chapter 14 - What is worth to break the rules for?

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Castiel's PoV

We arrived the crime scene exactly half an hour after Charlie's call. The Perry Nature Area was a beautiful place and it made me kind of angry that a murder occurred there. Dean and I had to walk a bit through the Arrowhead Park, before we actually arrived the crime scene.

A man's dead body was laying with his back to the ground, between a fallen tree and dead leafs.

Charlie, Kevin, Ash and a few others from the department were all over the place, marking every little hint of what possibly happened. Kevin was crouched beside Ash, taking notes of what Ash was telling him, pointing on a few marks on the corpse. Charlie was standing in front of them, looking more serious than I ever had noticed on her.

The moment she noticed us, her serious face faded and turned into a bright smile "Hello, Cap. Hi, Cas." she greeted us. I smiled at her and placed myself beside her, while Dean took his place beside Kevin and Ash.

"Hey, guys. What do we have here?" he asked.

"Two teenagers found him, while they were hiking." Kevin answered, looking up at Dean.

"The cause of death was that he was gunned three times. Twice from far away in the back-" he said, turning the dead man to look at the wounds and then turned him back so we saw his chest "And one shot in his chest from a near distance." he said.

"ID Card?" Dean asked.

Charlie showed us his wallet which was in a transparent bag "His name is Elias Stafford, thirty-five years old. And outgoing from the money in the wallet and the keys which were still there, it was not a robbery." Dean nodded and looked over to Kevin "Find out who he was and who would have a reason to kill him." he said and Kevin nodded, noting what Dean just said.

My eyes wandered to the man, noticing something in the pocket of his jacket. I bowed down and took it "A feather." I said, looking at it closely "It's an Eagle's feather." I pointed out and looked over to Ash, who bagged the feather.

"Okay, why do you think this feather has a meaning in all this" Charlie asked and outgoing from her voice, she was smiling.

"I think everything has a meaning, for example this feather probably is the reason why he was out here or it is something his murderer placed there, to mark it or anything. We will know later" I answered, turning around and looked up at her.

She frowned and punched my shoulder playfully, which hurt anyway since I was still injured "Damn, Cas. You're sure that you are not a cop or someone in your family works in this ambit? Like you're a born crime inspector! " she said and quickly shut her mouth, the shock build in her eyes as she probably realized that I was on the other side of the crime than them and that's why I know that much.

I smiled lazily as I got up and shook my head "No, I am just good in observing" I saved the situation and looked down to Ash, Dean and Kevin who didn't even paid attention. I remembered how I tried to get Charlie away from all this, how I tried to tell Sam that we need to tell Dean, but nothing changed their minds. Charlie insisted to stay and help and Sam said, we will just tell Dean, when we have enough hints.

"Ash, when will you know more?" Dean asked and brought me back from my thoughts.

"Give me an hour, I'm trying to break a score." he said, pulling himself up to his feet and walked over to his colleagues. Followed by Kevin who nodded at Charlie, to symbolize that it was time to leave.

Dean looked up at me and smiled softly "Come on, we got work."


While we were preparing the white board about Elias Stafford, Charlie and Kevin joined us.

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