Chapter 17 - Family business

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Cas' PoV

The scent of mud scratched in my nose. We were at the Missouri River as I looked at a person, their hands cuffed at their back and a black bag on their head. My eyes wandered to the shoes, noticing elegant Italian handwork and even the suit wasn't cheap. Through the low light of the moon, I was able to see that this person met Lucifer's best side. The scent of burned skin which I almost missed and the dark stains on his clothes of dried blood decorated every part of that person's body.

"Who is that?" I asked carefully as I searched for the eye-contact from my brothers. All three of them were looking at the person, a smirk on their lips. Eventually, Lucifer turned to look at me as he was walking around us "I will tell you a story. A little ant which was its whole life just a soldier got a promise someday. A promise, which let him believe in a high future. That little ant thought it could be an heir if it does what that other ant told it." Lucifer passed the person, hitting them on the back while then and the person flinched, the breath heavy "That little ant had one job. To make sure that nobody notices that the other ant was trying to be the new queen. So that little soldier reported everything to that ant so it can take care of every menace if their plan." Lucifer turned to look at me "One of the menaces was one of the queen's youngest sons. He put the whole plan in danger with coming back and choosing a unit to be in, which the two ants chose to use to let the queen fall. So they had to make sure that son will disappear" my brother's eyes locked with mine. I understood what he meant but the only thing I didn't know was the reason. Why was I a danger to them and for who?

"I- I will never tell you who I am working for" the man spoke, his voice shaky and tired. Balthazar walked over to him with a smile on his lips as he kicked the man with all the power he could build with his leg. I was able to hear a bone cracking before the man flew a meter and hit the ground. A painful groan escaped his mouth as he was laying on the ground not really moving from the pain he felt.

I looked at Gabriel who still refused to look at me and then turned to Lucifer and Balthazar "How did you find out about all of this?" I asked them. Balthazar shrugged "First, we were mad. We thought you abounded your family, but then that Dean told us you were in a hospital for such a long time after you went to Sioux City. So I told Lucifer." he explained and Lucifer smiled at me "And the only family member who went with you was Gabriel. So I asked him, friendly. And our brother told us that Uriel came to pick you up and do whatever someone told him to. We researched a bit and found out that he and our little ant there got paid from an anonym bank account. Which means both of them are little rats. Uriel is something Micheal wants to take care off. We had fun with him -" he said walking over to the man and pulling off the black bag from his head. He immediately breathed deep in, taking in the oxygen. It was Zachariah.

I wasn't surprised, I kinda suspected him for being one of the reasons I suffered so much. Deep inside I was glad that all this wasn't my family who told them to do all this to me. Deep inside me something clicked as I just saw red, stomping to Zachariah and kicked him hard in the guts. Lucifer and Balthazar cheered like it was a good football game and to be honest, it felt great. I breathed heavily as I turned around to smile at my brothers, but I stopped as I met Gabriel's whiskey eyes which shimmered with disappointment. I stopped in my stand to take a quick look at him, he tried to hide his emotions behind a poker face letting just a few emotions show. There were disappointment, anger, and pain and I didn't know why. I came to reality when Lucifer wrapped his arm around my shoulders and turned me around to see Balthazar unlocking the handcuffs on Zachariah's wrists "And now you can go. But we want you to swim away." Balthazar sing-songed. Zachariah looked up at all of us and this was the moment I realized that we were around him like a wall and the only way was the big muddy Missouri River. His breath became heavy as he got up quickly and run to the river, troubling with the stream at first.

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