Chapter 10 - Where is Castiel?

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Charlie's PoV

It has been two weeks since the Millers case was closed and nobody in our team heard of Castiel in this two weeks. Dean asked me everyday if there is something new, but the problem is: he didn't answer my calls or messages, so I didn't even know if he was okay.

We all were worried. From what I heard Castiel got pulled into a black limousine, after the hearing was over. And not from anyone, Dean said it was his babysitter Uriel and he didn't seem in a good mood. Gabriel raced after that limousine with his car, so Sam and Dean had to watch them disappear. 

I felt bad for Dean, he seemed really worried and frustrated, like all of us. We missed him...

My thoughts were around Castiel when I entered the Masters hospital. I walked over to the elevators, passing the lady behind the informations-counter with a " 'Sup, Carol. Long time no see!" and getting the answer "Twenty-four hours ain't long, redhead."

I smiled to myself, waiting in front of the doors to the elevator to open. A high tone symbolized that the elevator arrives and one more for the doors to get open.I stepped aside to let the people out and with a dancing-like move I swung in, pressing the button to my station.

I started to think of Cas again, without him I wouldn't walk through this hospital with a smile. I owned him so much and all started with him seeing right through me. He knew that I preferred women at first sight, so I had to explain why I was too afraid to talk with anyone about my sexuality.

The reason was that I had not the best experiences with coming out, actually the worst could ever happen.
The day I told my friends, was on a rainy Friday. We were on a sleepover, just the three of us and I thought it is the best time to tell them, all at the same time. I was sixteen and I thought, my friends were really my friends.

When I told them, they kinda looked at me like I personally offended them. At that moment it escalated and got worse, they called me with names and even cut my long hair short, to become a real lesbian. No one was there to help me, until the mother of one of them came home and I had the option to run away into the bathroom to lock myself safe. I called my parents and told them to pick me up as fast as they could.

My parents never made it to this house.

They got into an accident, caused by the heavy rain and my father died that evening...
My mother was badly injured and was in a coma since then.

I had to work hard to pay her treatment. Mostly I did criminal things, until Mr. Singer recognized my talent and told me to use it for the right side. That's how I went to police academy and got into Dean's unit.

All of this happened in ten years and my mother was still in coma. Coming back to Castiel, he heard all of it from me and told me he would help me. I didn't want his money and he just laughed about this comment, saying that he knew he would like me and that I remind him of someone special, of the first person who told him they don't want his money.

But he made clear it's not about the money, he would help me with the connections he had. And that helped.

He was friends with the leading doctor of the Masters hospital, who is by the way the heir of the Masters family. They are very good friends and with her help, my mother got moved into their hospital and got the most individually planned treatment she ever got. Inner the past four weeks my mother even reacts with moving her fingers and it woke up my optimism.

Ms. Masters said that she would do anything she was able to and if we are on the good side of destiny, my mother would get to better condition in no time.

I know it was bad to hope too much, but I own Castiel so much for this and I can't believe how much he changed my life with his presence.

The sound of the elevator brought me back to reality and when the doors opened, I met big brown eyes looking at me in shock. It was Meg.

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