Chapter 18 - Idle hands are the devil's tools

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[A/N: 1K reads *cries in Enochian* thanks for enjoying my book!]

Charlie's PoV

There was someone trying to break into my apartment. It was in the middle of the night and in front of my front door were two man-voices discussing something  "Eli, open the door quicker." one of them said trying not to say it too loud. I hold my breath, I didn't recognize the voice but the name. Those were the Steins. I rushed into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I grabbed the file and put it in the back of my jeans as I walked to my nightstand to grab my Glock. I unlocked it before I put it in my jeans too and covered it with my hooded pullover. I quickly put on a coat and my shoes and opened the window when I heard the front door broke open.

At this moment I was glad that I chose to live on the first floor, so all could happen if I jumped was some scratches on my knees. The men were quickly at my door. When they realized that it was locked they started to kick it and try to stomp it open. I immediately jumped without thinking and the last thing I heard was how they broke open the door to my bedroom. The moment I landed with my feet on the ground, like one of those television stunt people, I jumped to the wall of my building pressing myself as much as I could at it. I sensed how one of the men looked out of the window "She must be jumped down." he said in a low voice and the other one growled "Come on let's find her. She can't be that far away."

I waited for a few seconds to organize my thoughts before I started to run. The streets were dead, no one was out here to help me and I didn't know how much time I have until they would find me. I didn't choose to get inside of those gas stations or the twenty-four hours shops, in case that they won't hesitate to kill someone to get me. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Sam's number. I rushed into an alley and hid between the trashcans while I crouched myself into their dark shadows.

"Charlie?" Sam's voice sounded tired through the hearer, I must have woke him up. I didn't care though, the problem was that he had to think straight for my sake.

"Sam," I whispered, "remember how I hacked myself into the Steins' data and have now a file full of their secrets in my hands?" I spoke quickly. It took Sam a few seconds but he caught on quickly.

"Yes, are you alright?" he asked, his voice now clear and fixed. Thank god.

"No, they broke into my apartment and now I am hiding in an alley two streets away," I whispered, my voice shaking. I looked around the corner of the trash container to check if everything is still clear.

"Okay, Charlie. Don't move from where you are. I'll call Cas and we will be on our way to get you, alright?" I closed my eyes and sighed at this words, shaking my head "No. We will meet somewhere else. There's that twenty-four hours store near my apartment. We will meet there, alright?" "No, Charlie. Stay where you are. Don't walk around where they could find you-" I heard Sam breathing out, he must be changing his clothes or something to come and pick me up. "Alright," I said, "I'll stay here. Two streets to the east in the alley across of the gas station." I gave up and did what he said.

Sam hung up and was now on his way to get me. Just in case I took the file out of the back of my jeans and put it under one of the containers. I looked around and found a few rocks which I put on the file, so no one would see it immediately.

With a deep breath I took my Glock and held it in my hands, if those dicks would really find me here, I would shout them in their balls.

Cas' PoV

My phone started ringing and woke me up from a sleep I just drifted into. I jumped from my sleep and looked at my display, my eyes had to get used to the light before they noticed the time. Three in the morning and I asked myself what could be that important? My eyes noticed the name when I eventually answered the call "Sam." I breathed, my voice was tired from the sleep and the crying of the past few days. I haven't talked to anybody since my brother died, which was just five days ago. I didn't want to talk to anyone besides my family. I know it was selfish but I couldn't think straight about how to explain what just happened to my brother. The thought that this could be all my fault, that the reason he died is my responsibility was such a weight on my shoulders it just dragged me down and exhausted me.

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