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 "Without forgetting it is quite impossible to live at all." 

It's Monday and Chloe didn't attend there classes. It's their first subject and of course they don't have Mr. Mitchell so they don't have classes.

And Bumper's already mocking the 3 people left who's staying on Chloe's side.

Stacie's wearing her earphones while reading a book but she could hear them.

"I'm really curious why Mr. Mitchell and his lesbian alt daughter wasn't here for months now. Are they in rehab now? I got a news that Beca's in the hospital because of drug overdose?" He turned to Stacie's group. "Is it true Jesse?"

Jesse raised a middle finger to him without looking back. Bumper's goons mouthed an 'o'.

"Oh. True? I also got a news that that's why Chloe's absent today is because she's kinda tight and—

A book landed on his face that made everyone gasped. The book landed on the floor exactly Bumper's nose began to bleed. Stacie looked at him like she didn't mean it and it's just an accident. She even gasped.

"Oh shit! Sorry Bumper. Am I going to be suspended now like you did to Beca before?" Stacie exclaimed and chuckled. Bumper stood up angrily and walked towards her that made the tall brunette stood up to back away but Jesse blocked him. Bumper pushed him but Jesse pushed him too.

"If she's going to be suspended, I better be suspended too." Jesse said and punched his face forcefully, making him stumble on the floor. Bumper wants to retaliate the punch but Jesse's already on top of him who just continued to give him a hard blow in the face.

Jesse's totally black out, he's face was red because anger while screaming his anger to him. It's an anger he was suppressing for a long time and it's an anger he wants and needs to try blow up before it consume him and regret not giving it a blow. No one dared to stop him though because he's really scary. Bumper's face was already broken. One of his teeth dislocated and one of his eyes were already bleeding while nose already broken. Benji pulled him up when Bumper's already conscious but Jesse nudged him away and furiously looked around.

Finding the person who raped Chloe.

When he found him he immediately pushed the chairs that was blocking his way and walked towards Luke who's rushing to the door. Suddenly Jesse threw him a chair that landed on Luke's back. It made him kneel giving Jesse all the strength to smash the chair on his head.

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