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"What's meant to be will always find a way." 

It's been a week since the incident happened between Benji and Aubrey and it didn't turned out very well. What do you expect? Unicycle did the very unexpected thing to Benji which hurting him physically which also shocked all of them.

And yet, Beca's still not showing up to Chloe.

How dare she made Chloe always wait to their meeting place?

How dare she allowed everyone to hurt her?

How dare she allowed her to do things that she won't probably approved of if she knew it happened?

How can she take not to see her for weeks?

Chloe's totally wasted in the world of full of wasted people and she can't even do anything about it.

She's constantly waiting for Beca to come to their meeting place but she never showed up. She's even checking her previous apartment with Stacie who also had a curiousity of where's Beca. She even begged Jesse more and more until Jesse began on pushing them away.

It's their break and both girls decided to eat outside the school. They didn't know why they're getting separated of each other and their friendships are getting so complicated but there's only answer for that. It's all Bumper's fault.

Chloe had an idea of what's Bumper wants and she's going to give it to him willingly.

"What's your plan after graduation?" Chloe asked Stacie. Stacie looked at her.

"I'll spread HIV for those undeserving to live." They both laughed. "Just kidding. What else can I do between 2 or 1 more year of living?"

"Dude, you're going to be fine. Seriously. You just need to take—

"Chloe." Stacie cut off while eyes outside the window.


"I saw Jesse came out of the school. I think he's going somewhere. Possibly with Beca. Do you want to follow him?" Stacie mumbled. Chloe looked outside the window. She could still see Jesse on her sight so she picked up her bag and stood up.

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