Chapter One

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Summer's POV
I woke up by the sun's brightness reflecting through my glass window inside my bedroom,i thought i was nearly blind.

I chuckled and stood up,i rubbed my eyes and went to the bathroom wearing my PJ's.

As usual,i do my daily school routine and head downstairs for a quick breakfast.

I grab an apple on the way,i was about to open the door when my mom stopped me.

"Are you forgetting something?" my mom crossed her arms and smirked.

"Okay..." i mumbled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye mom!" i wrap my bag's lace around my shoulder and went inside the car.

Our driver starts the engine and starts driving,i sat quietly on the back seat listening to some radio music.

After a 25 minute ride,i finally reached the school.I walk down the car and shut the door,i walk inside the hallways heading to my locker.

I saw my best friend Tomika who's busy scrubbing something at her skateboard.

"Sup Tomika." i kneeled down and joined her as she scrub some gum off her skateboard.

"Stupid thing!" she threw the cloth on the ground and shove her skateboard inside her locker.

"Ready for the band's gig?" I asked her.

"You bet!" Tomika respond,we walk together on our way to Mr.Finn's class.

I opened the door's knob,we both saw the boys busy with their instruments and Freddy...

He was busy wiping his hair to the back and checking on it every minutes,he was just the Freddy i knew since first grade,he never got contended without touching or fixing his hair for the whole day.

I walk to Zack's amp that is beside Freddy's drum set,i grab my tambourine slowly to have a quick glare at him.

My heart was skipping a beat looking at him,my soul was fluttered by how he looks right now.

I akwardly slap my tambourine to my palm as i glare to Freddy,he was still busy fixing his perfect hair.

"EARTH TO SUMMER!" i was startled by a sudden voice from behind,i turned and saw Tomika.

"I knew it,you're glaring at Freddy Jones...AGAIN." she rolled her eyes playfully in between chuckles.

"Not a big deal of yours right?" i smirked.

"Of course no,Freddy is my friend." Tomika grabbed her bass from behind and start tuning it.

I grab a blue notebook and start writing some band's schedule for the upcoming gigs when Mr.Finn barged in the room holding a box of donuts and listening to hard metal rock and roll album.

"You know even you're wearing headphones we can still hear it right?" Tomika rest her right hand to her bass while her left index finger point at Mr.Finn smirking.

"I know!" Mr.Finn respond.

I heard a drum roll and turned to Freddy who's doing some drum warm ups when i approach him.

"Hey Freddy what's up?" i awkwardly asked.

"Oh hey Summer,i was just warming up." he snap his drumsticks.

"That's cool.." i respond.

That's when there's no more topic to talk about,so i am just there staring at him with weird,akward atmosphere between us.

"Are you okay?" Freddy furrowed his eyebrows as i windened my eyes.

"Yeah,yeah i am fine." i didn't do anything but to stand there and saying nothing.

"I'll go practice now." Freddy akwardly turned around and focus on his drums.

I walk where Tomika is next,she was sitting and talking with Zack,while Mr.Finn and Lawrence were fixing Mr.Finn's broken amp.

I got my blue notebook and start writing a schedule for the band's next gig.

After a few minutes,the band starts to rehears.I grab my tambourine beside Freddy who's focus on his drums.

"1! 2! 3!" Freddy snap his drumsticks together and start doing a drum roll.

The rest of the band follow as Freddy leads.Tomika starts singing,Zack draw his guitar rift,followed by Mr.Finn,followed by Lawrence Piano slide.

The band sounded good as usual.

Nothing seemed to change at all,same Tomika,same Lawrence but not Mr.Finn he got more weirder this year.

And same old Freddy...

After class,the last bell rings.I was on the same spot at my locker when a voice from behind made me turn around.

"Summer." Freddy said holding the right strap of his backpack.

"Y-yes?" i stuttered because he's finally talking to me.

"I wanted to tell you something." Freddy sighed.

"Yes?" i gave my best smile upon knowing that it's weird.

"Summer,what do you think is a best gift from Kale?" he smiled.

My hopes were shattered once and for all.

"Garabage bags?" i smirked.

"No,something that doesn't include garbages and recycled things." Freddy said.

"Well,when i gave a trash bag at Kale on her last birthday,she seemed happy." i said with sarcastic enthusiasm.

"How about stuffed octopus." i grinned,knowing stuffed octopus's face is really terrible as heck.

"Stuffed octopus? aren't those things band from lovers?" Freddy said.

"No,if you want to give Kale a best gift,plus you asked me." i said.

"Okay,stuffed octopus." Freddy smiled.

"Thanks." He added.

As usual i was left alone in the same spot again,at my locker.

"Sum," Tomika trailed off."Wanna go home with me?" she asked.

"No,i have our driver to pick me up." i shut my locker door and walk outside the campus with her.

"Freddy just talked to me!" i squealed.

"Really?! that's awesome." Tomika said putting her helmet on.

"What did he asked you?" Tomika asked.

"Well he asked about what kind of a good gift he could give to Kale." i sighed.

"Ouch,i thought he'll finally talk to you for some other reasons." Tomika said.

"Yeah i know,i wonder when will he notice me." I said.

"Someday Sum,someday.." Tomika pat my shoulder.

"I gotta go,i don't wanna be late for dinner,see you tomorrow Summer." she waved goodbye at me as she start to skate all the way home.

Our driver finally arrived after Tomika tooked off,i opened the car's door and shut it close.

Another day at school has end,and not even a noticable thing Freddy notice.

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