Chapter Twenty Two

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Freddy's POV
Woke up without myself,I was completely black out yesterday I wasn't at myself yesterday what happened?


I grabbed my phone quickly and called her but it says that she blocked the number,I wondered why she did that but all I remember is that last Thursday I was at the bar..then...

I remember everything suddenly,I slap my palm all over my forehead and run downstairs to take my clothes on.

I rushed outside after I changed,I run all the way to Summer's house but when I arrived her mom told me that she's not home she's in Tomika's house.

And she told me to never bother her there or else I'm going to get it.

I rushed my way to Tomika's house,I rang the doorbell and I saw Tomika coming down with a big smirk on her face.


she shouted.

"I'm here to explain to Summer."

I pleased her to open the gate.


She slapped me and went inside.

"Oh,and here."

Tomika added as she threw a necklace that I gaved to Summer.

It was shattered into pieces,I was mad at Tomika for throwing it but I blamed myself for everything...

I grabbed the shattered pieces of the necklace and walk my way back home,I stopped by the bench near the tree at a park.

I grabbed my phone and swipe through my lock screen which is a me and Summer together,tears started falling down in my eyes without my noticed,I wiped my eyes and went back home.


Summer's POV
I was watching tv when someone rang the doorbell,Tomika said she's going to get it,after around a minute she told me to give the necklace that Freddy gaved me.

She told me it was Freddy,I started to feel down and told her to throw the necklace on the ground.

"All clear."

Tomika dusted off her hands,It's heavy inside of me to do that but I am filled with anger,doubts and sadness.

"It's for the best anyways."

Tomika wrapped her arm around me that slowly removed the pain that I am feeling right now.

"Feeling better?"

She looked up to me with a cute face.

"Much better."

I cuddled her back.

We laughed at the whole movie having fun,And again I forgot all the heartbreak and aches,I am glad that Tomika is here so glad actually......

_&_ .

3 years later.....
Summer's POV
"SAY 1! 2! 3! CHEESE!"

The photographer said as me and Tomika take our graduation picture together.

"Summer." "Tomika."

We hugged each other tightly as we said our words.

"Summer,my BFF since kindergarten thank you you're always there for me I love you."

Tomika said holding my two hands.

"Tomika my loving best friend since kindergarten thank you for taking care of me and always being there for me I love you too.. "

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