Chapter Seven

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I woke up smelling a savory aroma coming from downstairs,i hurriedly went down the stairs to check who's cooking and what's cooking.

I saw a guy at the kitchen,perfection of his hair and he had a sweet manly scent,i was curious to see who's this stranger.


I stepped forward slowly,when he suddenly turned around.I saw Freddy smiling to me.


I startled when i see him.

"Hello honey."

He greeted.


I shouted.

"Summer,honey are you okay?"

He continued,i rubbed my eyes and finally i snapped out of reality,i saw my mom waving her hand infront of my face.

"Summer,what happened? look like you've seen a ghost."

She said.

"No,no,i am fine."

I sat down at the dining table with my hands folded down my lap.

My mom served my food at the table she kissed me in the forehead before heading to work.

After breakfast,i rushed to the bathroom and took a shower.I do my daily school routine and made my way to the car.

"I wonder why i thought my mom is Freddy,that is just weird."

I thought of myself.

"Maybe i wasn't at myself today."

I sighed heavily while on the road.

Finally i reached school,i went to my locker and meet Tomika who's putting her board inside her locker.

"Hey Tomika."

I greeted with a smile.

"Hey Sum."

She respond.

I shoved my books inside and shut the door of my locker,me and Tomika made our way to Mr.Finn's class.

"Goodmorning Mr.Finn."

I greeted.

"Yow sup."

Mr.Finn respond while his feet at the top of the table,chewing a donut while reading a rock magazine.

"Hey Summer."

Freddy greeted me with a smile.

"Oh hey.."

I was a bit nervous responding.

"I didn't know that you like Zack,i am shooked."

He chuckled.

"Yeah,i like Zack and probably not you."

I giggled akwardly.


He scratched the back of his neck.

A sudden silence made an akward atmosphere between us,so i decided to make a stupid excuse just to get out of this conversation.

"Hey,you know what Tomika,she broke her neck that's why i have to take her to the nurse's office hehe.."


I rushed away and take Tomika's hand.

"What the heck."

Tomika slap my hand from hers.

Freddy stared at me akwardly so i whispered Tomika the word "sorry"

I chop her neck causing her so much pain in the back of her neck.

"Opsiess...Let's gooooo..."

I pushed her outside followed by me.

We soon as reach the nurse's office Tomika arritatedly slap my arm.


She shouted.

"I'm about to get bail out!"

I whispered.

"So you chop my NECK!? do you know how bad it feels now???"

Tomika said with her right hand placed on her neck.

"Sorry,but seriously are you okay?"

I asked with a bit of embarrassment and concerned.

"Yeah yeah,i am fine....LOOKS LIKE!"

She respond sarcastically followed by the roll of her eyes.


I pouted then hugged her.

"Even though you're a stupid idiot,you're still my bestfriend."

She hugged back.


Tomika pulled away.

"Oh sorry."

I said.

"Next time if you're making stupid excuses when Freddy's around,please...I am begging you don't include me."

She pleased me with her right hand placed at my shoulder.


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