Chapter Sixteen

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Summer's POV
I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock,it was 4:00am,and I wanna call him before he was wakes up.I got my phone I dialed his caller ID,he picked it up instantly.

"Wake up sleepy head."

I chuckled through the phone.

"No,wake up sleepy head."

He laughs.

"Wow,you actually woke up early."

I said.

"Of course,i can still hear your morning voice lol,i already took shower."

He said.

"Then congrats."

I smirked.

"Be down at 10 minutes,i'm on my way."

He said as he hanged up the phone.

I went to the bathroom and tooked a shower,i picked my clothes,and grab my bag,i rushed down the stairs and slowly left a note for Candace in her room.

I slowly closed her screeching door and rushed downstairs,i opened the door and locked them before going outside.

I didn't saw Freddy anywhere,so I waited for him,that's when Asher spotted me and he was at his jogging outfit.

"Oh hey,Summer what are you doing here so early waiting for someone?"

He asked.


I respond adjusting the lace of my bag.

"Who you waiting for?"

He asked grabbing a towel  and shoving it to his neck.


I respond.

"You want me to take you there? I have my car there."

He said.

"No,no,it's fine."

I refused.

"No,let's go,it's dangerous for you to be here really early,let me take you to wherever you're going."

He grabbed my wrist,so I stopped him.

"Really Asher,i don't really-"

I was cutted off when I heard a voice from behind,i turned around and saw Freddy leaning on his car.

"Let go of her Asher."

He walk near us and removed his hand from my wrist.

"Remember,you don't have the right to touch my girlfriend."

Freddy pulled me to his side.

"Girlfriend? What is this some kind of joke?"

Asher chuckled.


Freddy chuckled as he grabbed my wrist on the way to his car.

He opened the door for me and give a death glare to Asher.

Me and Freddy was all speechless on the way to the groceries,i think he was kind of mad at me.

"Freddy,can we talk?"

I asked.

He ignored me,so I tried to explain to him what happened.

"Well,it was Asher he told me that he'll take me to the groceries but I told him that you'll pick me up but he grips his hand into my wrist but I tried to stopped him-"

He cutted me off.

"I know,remember,your always mine." 

Freddy turned to me and put his face inches away from my lips,he pulled over and slowly kissed me,today,he didn't do it like before,i swear he did it with more passion,i was trembling but I stopped my self.

I was all heating up,i was nervous at the same time.

After about 15 seconds he pulled away and we both lean our backs at our seats.

"I love you."

He suddenly said.

"I love you too.. "

I respond.

He hold my hand before driving back again at the road,i guess he was that scared for me that our relationship won't last longer.

Finally the reached the groceries,Freddy parked at the nearest spot,he opened the door for me as we go together inside the groceries.

We grabbed a cart as we entered,Freddy told me that he just needed a coffee,i told him I'll buy it for him and I saw a smile on his face.

I was pushing the cart when suddenly Freddy wrapped his arms around my waist.


I was blushing for no reason,i mean I don't exactly know why.

We brought the things that we need together and we sprinted out of the store with bags in our hands.

Freddy grabbed the bags from my hand and throw it at his car trunk,we drive all the way to a coffee shop and sat down at the two chairs beside the mirror window.

"Ayiesh.. "

Freddy kneeled down and tied my shoelaces.

"You could've gone into an incident with that."

Freddy said as he stood up.

To be continued....

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